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The day goes by and as usual, Jason does the usual. I haven't seen Clay since the morning. He's probably upset at me, but i can risk putting anyone else in danger.
It's my phone. My grandparents! "Hi" I answer the call. "Hi sweetie, how are you?" my grandmother responds. "I'm good nana, I've got a pretty house and good food" I respond, to make her feel more at ease. "That is absolutely lovely to hear honey." she says. "How is Jason treating you?" my grandfather asks. "Oh you know... just doing his own thing." I avoid the question. A long pause of silence goes on before my grandma says "We miss you very much darling, we hope everything is okay, and we're here if you ever need anything." I can feel her worry, so I change my tone to sound as if i'm happy. "I miss you too nana, thank you. I love you guys." "We love you too pumpkin" says my grandfather and we end the call. I'm glad to know that at least they're okay. "IM GOING OUT!" Jason yells downstairs out of nowhere and before I could respond, he slams the door. I sit in my room and I hear a knock on the door. I peek to see who it is when I see Clay standing there. I open up and as he's about to greet me, I take him to my bedroom in case Jason comes back out of nowhere. "How are you feeling?" he asks kindly. "I'm doing better, thanks for asking" I say with a smile. He lets out a small sigh of relief.

Clay POV
She's okay. I want to know more of what's going on, to help her. "What made you rush to come see Jason?" I ask without even thinking. "I... needed to." she answers, but i'm not content with that response. "But why? He could've killed you." She sits there in silence and I can see tears rolling down her cheeks. I don't say anything but I pull her into a hug. Whatever the reason is, it must be extremely serious, but it doesn't mean she deserves to be going through this pain. I try to change to topic to get her mind off that. "Do you like this place so far?" I ask once she's a bit more calm. "Yes, it's nice." she sniffs. I wipe a tear from her cheek and look into her eyes. They're such a gorgeous brown and I can't help but get so nervous. I smile at her and she smiles at me. She looks like an angel. The most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on.
He's here.

I panic. He'll hurt Clay if he sees him here with me, or worse he could actually do something to my grandparents. I tell Clay to hide underneath my bed. I make my way downstairs and find Jason knocked out in the couch. Thank god. I go back upstairs to check on Clay, but he's gone. I look for him and then after a few minutes I see him in this room. I look for a piece of paper and marker. "are you okay" I write and he nods. He smile at me and mouths "are you?" and I nod as well. I head to sleep and I hear Jason coming up the stairs to my bedroom.
I quickly clean up my room with the papers that I wrote and everything else. I hear him calling my name. He opens the door and hits me. I curl myself up into a ball to try and not get as many hits. "You're such a slut. I'm so happy I have you on my command." And he kisses my neck aggressively to which I push him away. He gets angry and hits me more. After a few minutes he leaves back downstairs and I lock the door. Just in case.

Dream POV
I got it all on camera. I have proof of this jerk now. All I gotta do is give to the authorities and y/n will be safe.

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