day 1-part 1

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Another sunny morning in adventure bay. Well.. Not for long. Many troops line up at the front of the lookout. They were german troops.

Chase: Hallo Kameraden! Ihr seid alle zum Kämpfen auserwählt! wir müssen Adventure Bay um jeden Preis schützen. Wir teilen uns in vier Gruppen auf! Gruppe A geht zum Rathaus. Gruppe B Westseite! Gruppe C Ostseite! und Gruppe D Stadtrand! (hello fellow soldiers! you have all been chosen to fight! we must protect adventure bay at all cost. we will split up into four groups! group A will go to the city hall. group B west side! group C east side! and group D outskirts! )

Troops: Ja Kommandant! (yes commander!)

All the troops went on slowly. A few hours later. There was a crackling sound on the radio.

Group D troop: Kommen Sie herein, Kommandant. Wir sind in Position. (Come in commander. We are in position)

Chase: Roger.

It was quite. But then..

(They also speak English. But are only aloud to do so when not working or in an emergency)

Group A: come in commander!

Chase: yes?

Group A: it's not a riot sir!

Chase: what?

Group A: it's not a riot sir! It's a--------

Ok guys! 199 words. Not thinking about this one though so nice come back to the series. Work on operation: desert tornado remastered is on hold for a while yeah. My next test is coming in 2 weeks time. So yeah. Don't forget to vote and share this story!

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