day 1- part 2

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Group A: it's not a riot! It's a raid!

Chase: ok. Hold your fire. Wait for them to get close. They might be able to call in reinforcements or feign a retreat. Rocky! Get contact with group D!

Rocky: alright!

Rocky runs inside to get his radio

Rocky:here you are.

He then hands it over to chase

Chase: right. Come in D.

Group D: yeah go ahead.

Chase: move in slowly. Don't fire yet though. And bring in little whiskers

Group D: yes commander.

Chase: the rest of us will handle the evacuation.

All the pups and Ryder(excluding chase) :alright. Let's do this.

The riot was in land now. So they open fired.

A battle goes on. They were making a huge hole in the raiders army. But was it enough? No. They keep on fighting whilst moving back an inch at a time. Chase then met up with group D.

Chase: I think little whiskers wants to play.

A rumble was closing in on the soldiers.

Group A, B and C: oh yeah! Little whiskers is here!

But she wasn't little. She was anything but little. She was a leopard 2 tank.

She started firing every where

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She started firing every where. But there was nothing to do. Chase has to give the signal.

Chase: retreat! Retreat!

Every one then turns around. And runs.

Whiskers turret is still pointing at the raiders. But the bottom. Was roaring at full speed away. Battle ships at the shore lines act as artillery. They get in the small torpedo boats. Whilst whiskers gets in his own. Specially made boat. Every one survived that day. But there will be more problems to come in the next 12 days.

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