The chat

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The three of them where in a different room right after I snapped my fingers.
Sirius was pacing back and forth with a glare on his face and lily had her hands in her hands. It was all silence no words till Sirius had stopped pacing and lily had her head up.

Why they both asked but right after they said that Sirius glared at lily and it made her filch and turned around.
James also flinched and Shaked his head.

-I don't know to be honest he muttered and when Sirius heard that he snapped his head so hard that they nearly heard a crack.

-You don't know ok Sirius mutter and yells HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW!!!!

Both lily and James Flinched and just looked away and that angered Sirius even more.

- I couldn't believe this I don't even know who you are anymore both of y'all I used to respect both of y'all relationship but when I saw what y'all done to my brother James my brother I don't even know who you are he grunts out in disgust.

James when he heard that he heard his heart broke and lily just stared at the ground.

-Sirius he trys to say but Sirius just shook his head and said don't even talk to me. And left but before he left the room he turned around an said

-talk to me when you figure out who you are and then he left.

It was only him and lily in silence he looked up and saw her staring at him.

- I don't know who I am anymore I feel so disgusted with my self I think we should not be together anymore lily says.

Lily James muttered and trued to grab her hand but she slapped his hand.

-Dont touch me you cheated on him with me how could you do that to him but oh you don't have any answer but we are done.

James just nodded sadly ok he muttered.

They went into the other room and saw everyone away from them and left them space between each other even poor little peter.

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