Chapter 15

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As soon as that feminine voice ended, the surrounding guests began to disperse to make way for two people. To be more precise, the woman was in a wheelchair, and the man behind was pushing her towards them. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung were surprised to see the two of them. Park Taehwan's expression was already cloudy when he heard the youngest son's sudden announcement on his fiancé. However, it got much worse when he saw the other two appear.

Seokjin knew who the woman in the wheelchair was since he got the information from Kim Namjoon's documents. But he was surprised because there was no mention that the Park family's eldest lady was a disabled person. Since Jin didn't know about the man walking behind Ms. Park, he wondered if that person was important...

-"Dad, happy birthday"- When the wheelchair stopped, Park Shinhye smiled beautifully and greeted the grim Chairman Park.

-"Shinhye-ah, you should have come with a notification in advance"- President Park's voice sounded more like a warning than an ordinary word between father and daughter.

-"Shouldn't a birthday be surprising?"- Park Shinhye didn't seem to be afraid of her father's obviously disapproval attitude but continued to show her enthusiasm."Hoseok-ah, hurry and bring the gifts I've prepared to my dear father."

-"Yes, miss"- The man named Hoseok behind her quickly took the prepared gift bag and respectfully said to Park Jaehwan, "This is the gift designed by Ms. Park. Wish you a happy birthday, sir."

Park Jaehwan looked at the exquisitely wrapped and decorated black gift box but didn't touch it at all. He gestured to the servant behind to take it, not even giving a finger to the gift. Seeing his nonchalant attitude, Park Shinhye still maintained a calm smile as if she was used to it. Then the chairman signaled everyone to follow him into the private room preventing the guests from detecting what they shouldn't hear.

Seokjin witnessed the whole series of dramas of the super-rich family, immediately felt very lost and bored. Suddenly he missed his parents. Even though they were just ordinary civil servants in a small town, his family always genuinely cared for and loved each other. Although his family had experienced a difficult time when he was a child, his parents' love for him was not less for the sake of money. While reminiscing about his family, his name was suddenly uttered by the powerful president, causing his mind floating in the air fall straight into the earth.

-"Mr. Kim, you seem to enjoy your own world, don't you?"

-"Good evening, Chairman Park. Happy birthday to you"- Kim Seokjin returned to his usual calm and polite greeting.

- "How long have you and Jimin known each other? You are still young. Isn't it a bit early to get married?" - Park Jaehwan asked him as if it was an interrogation or even a threat.

Facing President Park and his question, Jin's heart speeded up, and his brain stopped working. However, his inner self was scolding Park Jimin constantly. Park Jimin noticed his confusion and quickly answered instead.

-"We knew each other when I was studying at K University. We plan to get engaged first. When his career is stable, we will get married."

Such a waste that Park Jimin didn't pursue a screenwriting occupation. Each sentence seemed to force Jin to become the main character of the movie 'Cinderella' that he had hated so much since he was a child. Kim Seokjin couldn't take it anymore and was about to clarify. But before he could speak a word, another sharp voice soon interrupted.

-"A low-class murderer with excellent gold-digger skill. Such a great talent, Mr. Kim."

The rumored noble Mrs.Park walked in from the back door with a meticulously made-up face making her look much younger than her actual age. Even with a thick foundation, the scary hateful expression towards him and Park Jimin was so obvious. Along with Park Haejin, the CEO of L Group following closely behind, the whole Park family gathered in the luxury room.

-"Mrs. Park, mind your speech. The police have proved Jin's innocence"- Park Jimin angrily defended him.

-"Who knows how much money those policemen ate from you?" My father shot a bullet-like gaze at them while sitting on the high-class sofa.

-"You.."- Park Jimin was about to argue with her when Park Jaehwan definitely cut him off. "Enough. There is already an answer for Yerin's death . As you all are here, listen well". Then he turned and signaled to the servant who was still closely following him. The man respectfully nodded and left the room.

The room was still frozen at the information that Chairman Park had just given. Mrs. Park and his son were shocked and exchanged glances in silence. Park Shinhye frowned slightly in suspicion but pretended to run her hand through the hair to hide the true feelings. The man named Hoseok, who stood behind, still maintained the same neutral face. Still, his right hand holding the handle of the wheelchair, secretly patted Park Shinhye's shoulder as if reassuring. Kim Taehyung was also brooding. Seokjin trembled inside, partly from anxiety, partly from anticipation. Park Jimin seemed more relaxed since he still had time to absorb each person's reaction.

A few minutes later, the door swung open in anticipation of countless eyes. As soon as a tall man in a finely tailored black suit entered, Kim Seokjin felt his heart stop beating for a few seconds. He whispered in shock.

-"Kim Namjoon?"

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