y/n profile (voice lines)

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A/N Note:

• If you're wondering what's this, it was requested by someone.
• this will be updated every act that has finished.


~ This chapter will be updated whenever a new character is introduced to the story or a character's friendship LVL grows with y/n | I will make an a/n whenever I update it!



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Character Name:
Raiden Hisa (Y/n)

• Princes Of Inazuma, she's the daughter of the almighty Shogun.


Y/n is still a mysterious girl, some people had the confidence to go up to her and ask her some questions about ruling over Inazuma, She really gives a powerful & serious aura around the people, some people even hides when they spot her walking by or just near the area.She's Still trying to fullfill her mother's wish, which is eternity...

She's attached to eternity like her own mother, the Citizens of Inazuma are still curious about her. It's rare to see her smile or laugh in public, when she almost lost Kazuha, one of her dearest friends, she promised herself that she'll never forgive herself if she lose someone that she really cares about.

she has a mixed personality to be exactly.


✦ Hello
> hello, would you like to join me to watch the stars tonight?

Chat: Revenge
> We have to go back to work, I need to find that stupid brother of mine, that works for the fatui, I will slice his body in half...

Chat: Time
> can we not waste time? i wanna do my work then finally take a rest.

 When Thunder Strikes:
> dont be scared, am here to protect you. *giggle*

 Good morning:
> good morning, where is the food? huh its not yet ready? but am hungry... :(

✦ Chat: The Future
> w-what if my mother dies? What will I do with myself? She's the one who guided me most of the time, she gave me the power... ?

✦ Chat: Fear?
> Hm, my fear? Am the complete same with my mother, am also attached to idea of eternity... I don't wanna lose anyone or any good memories.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌 ─ Various Genshin Impact X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now