-: Chapter 1.1 ~ Setting up the board :-

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" The world is but a game of chess . your life being the king. One game of chess isn't a whole lot of damage to the world . Hell ,, Barely anyone would even notice if you lost "

Deep underground, several individuals worked for their country. They worked for what they believed in, making the strangest of contraptions using the wildest of devices, all without question. They were well aware that several of the things they were implementing were dangerous, and a few seemed to be straight-up murderous... But they didn't ask questions.

Why would they? They were just doing their jobs. They had families to come back to. If any one of them had a moral problem with this, they kept their mouth shut out of fear of being fired and forced to never speak of this again, rendering their work meaningless.

And, besides, the rumors going around seemed to suggest that this was all for some greater good. There was a reason for this, they just couldn't figure out what that could possibly be...

Ah well. Soon enough, they were brought up, out of their creation, and they were given hefty payments. Happy and uncaring, the individuals who worked so hard for what others believed in had left.


A man and a woman, both dressed in extravagant clothing, dance around each other; the man carries a microphone, and the woman carries a paper and pen, and the two work together like the perfect team, their pink eyes glaring towards Akira as their title cards appear: Arthur and Georgia York, The chess players

All of the students were separated into 2 groups, each of the groups having a set color of clothing, White and Black.. They were playing a game of chess... As the pieces... Akira and Nami were chosen as the kings... Just his luck.. Akira was the king on the white side and Cameron was the Black side's king.. At least he'd get to go first?

A small girl smiles to herself, whistling as she got to work on her newest project, knitting together a cloth that depicted a skull and crossbones on it, smiling delicately with pink eyes as her title card appeared: Megumi Ito, Ultimate ////// ... Her ultimate was crossed out... how odd...

Someone taps Akira's shoulder, causing him to look towards a girl bending down to look at his pathetic self, smiling a sweet smile as she offered him a plate of poison. Her bright pink eyes mocked him as her title card popped up: Hatsuho Kinoshita, Ultimate Baby Witch

Finally, a man offers his hand to Akira. He's smiling, holding a small, digital camera, with a cat on his shoulder, meowing affectionately. This person is the only one without pink eyes, and yet, their title card appears: Cameron Nakaya, Ultimate Yoga Instructor

With their help, Akira breaks free of his binds. The boy hops free of his binds, pointing towards a teddy bear in the back, yelling towards him; Monokuma responds with a small smirk, shrugging as he shows his title card: Monokuma, Estate Owner

A chess board appears, and the people he had met become pieces on the board... He looks up to see that Rose Major is on the other side, frowning towards him, holding her gavel high. He glares, unwilling to back down... His title card appears: Akira Mosella, Ultimate Child Prodigy

The stage is set, and the ultimates are ready to play...

But who will win in the end?

Who survives in a life or death game?

Please... Join me, for a Danganronpa unlike any other.

What will happen if it ends in a stalemate?

Let's find out.

DANGANRONPA: Off the board

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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