Chapter One:

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Ugh" The blonde Briton groaned as the pounding on his door became increasingly louder. He pulled his pillow over his ears, and pressed his eyelids shut.

"Angleterre!" An all too familiar sing song voice pleaded for him to respond.

Arthur merely grunted.

The sound of a key being turned soon filled the room, followed by footsteps.

"Angleterre..." The voice prodded again, only this time at a much closer proximity.

Arthur sniffled, and sunk beneath his covers again.

"You can't stay in your bed all day, cher." Francis cooed calmly.

The englishman's eyes became slits.

"I fully intend to do so...And there isn't anything you can do to change my mind." He snapped crankily.

"You're so stubborn, mon amour!" Francis smirked coyly.

Francis quickly leaned over the Brit.

"Just leave me alone." Arthur sighed.

"Non." The frenchman smiled, planting several kisses on him. "I'm deeply sorry for what I'm about to do..." His grin was growing wider by the second.

"You know damn well how I feel about today." Arthur growled, about to submerge in his duvet once more.

Francis was too fast for the British man. He grabbed the covers, and threw them on the floor.

"Francis!" He whined. "Get off of me so I can go get the bloody blankets. I'm freezing now!"

Francis stayed atop the moody Briton. He expertly slid his frigid fingers underneath Arthur's silken pajama top. With a grin, he began gently tickling him.

"Bloody...Ha...Hell! Stop that...Ha! You know how ticklish I am...Hah Hah!"

"Not until you agree to get out of this stuffy room!"

"Fine...HA! I'll go out with you today...Ha ha ha!"

Francis swiftly leaned down and kissed Arthur softly.

"You do this every year, Frog!" Arthur huffed discontentedly.

The older nation nuzzled his nose into England's hair, causing him to blush and shove Francis off of the bed.

"Next time, don't come into my house unless I invite you!" Arthur scolded.

"I love you too, mon cher." the frenchman laughed. "Now get dressed so we can start the day I've planned!"

With that, the exited French nation meandered out of the room, babbling incoherently about how cute his petit lapin could be.

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