1~a peek into the past

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I slowly woke up to the sound of my alarm, I wasn't really a morning person so I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. No one would really disturb my sleep as it was the holiday time but as soon as I turned off my alarm, I got a call. The ID read 'Lee Yuna' I didn't lift the call and went back to my peaceful sleep.


I took the blanket off me and made my bed, I took my phone and sat next to window and opened the curtains to see a beautiful view outside, I yawned and unlocked my phone, I got an email from Hanguk University. I quickly opened the email and it read

'Miss Kim Y/N we are congratulating you for making it into Korea's top most University that is Hanguk University. The university will start after the break and you will have roommates for your dorms. The location will be shared shortly'

It also had some other small details that I didn't care to read, I jumped in excitement. I applied for Yonsei University and Hanguk University. Yonsei University was close to my house and I didn't need a dorm but Hanguk University was far and Lee Yuna applied for Hanguk University. Me and Yuna were inseparable so I had to apply for hanguk University too. I received an email from Yonsei University too but I didn't want to get separated from Yuna.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed into a simple white sleeveless top and blue skinny jeans with my white shoes.

I rushed downstairs and saw my family was waiting for the breakfast to be made while dad was in his laptop, probably working on a new project for kim technologies and mom was reading a beauty book while Yeonjun was on his phone

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I rushed downstairs and saw my family was waiting for the breakfast to be made while dad was in his laptop, probably working on a new project for kim technologies and mom was reading a beauty book while Yeonjun was on his phone.

"I got into Hanguk University!!" I spoke, more like yelled which grabbed their attention, Mom and dad made a little sad face as I had to move out and get a dorm but Yeonjun's lips turned into a small smile. He barely smiles. Mom quickly shrugged off the sad thoughts.

"That's great sweetie! Yeonjun got in too"
She said patting my shoulder

"Well that explain his expression" I said giving Yeonjun a sweet smile when he stopped smiling and got back into his phone.

"You have packing to do then" Dad said, it was obvious that he was sad

"Don't worry dad, I'll visit every month" I walked upto him and gave him a small peck on his cheek.

I sat next to Yeonjun and took my phone out to text Yuna about the University.

Heyy! Yuna I got into Hanguk University, what about you?

I got in too! That was why I called in the morning, but I forgot your super lazy

Yeah that's me! I'm definitely lazy! Wanna hang out later?

Did you forget I'm in Hawaii for vacation?

Damn! I forgot.. have fun girl, bye

Bye poophead

I put my phone aside and asked my parents
"Mum, dad.. why don't we go on vacations??"

But none of them got to answer the question as Ms.Seo-our cook, bought the breakfast. We had the same breakfast everyday, it was boring but none of us ever complained


3rd person POV

Y/n went out as it was boring in house, she walked to a park. It was far but it was worth walking as Y/N shared a lot if memories in that park when she was young, before she was adopted. She stared at the park. She hasn't come here for a month because she had family gatherings to attend. She was very happy to return to the park but her smile soon faded of as she saw the park. It was empty, there was a person on the swings, but Y/N wasn't sad about that. She didn't mind him, she was sad that there were no kids in the park, she knew everyone went on vacations. But seeing the kids play made Y/N happy as that reminded her of her past. She walked up to the swing and took a seat next to the guy, she didn't speak to him nor looked at him. She was in her own deep thoughts and didn't notice the guy staring at her.

12 years ago
(before Y/N was adopted)
3rd person POV

[???] Means that person's name
Pixie was a name that little boy gave her


Y/N and [???] Were playing together in the park, they were building sand castles. They didn't look like sand castles but they were just kids, they didn't know how to make sand castles. They never get bored while playing with each other. After they played for a long time. Y/N's mother came up to them "Y/N let's get going now, it's getting late, [???] Do you want me to drop you? Your mom is not here yet" She said taking Y/N into a warm hug "No mommy! We'll play till [???]'s mom is here" Y/N said hugging back her mom "Pleaseeeee" [???] Begged y/n's mom. "Okay okay fine. Only till your mom is here" y/n's mom said giggling.
"Pixie! I bought something for you" the little boy excitedly said
"Really? What is it?" Y/n asked out of curiosity
"It's a Pixie pin!" The boy said taking a pin out of his pocket with his tiny little hands.
The pin was pink and had a Pixie painted on it with two flowers on each side of the pixie
"Aww it's so cute! Can you you put it on me please?" Little Y/n asked him
"Sure!" The boy said leaning toward y/n, he pushed her hair back of her ear and put the pin on her. She looked perfect.
"How do I look?" Y/n asked him with a cute smile, deep dimples on her cheeks, her teeth were perfectly in a line. Her lips were naturally pink, baby pink to be specific.
"Wow, your dimples are so beautiful" the little boy said.
"Really? Thank you so much! I also love this pin! I'll keep this pin with me forever"

//end of flashback//

3rd person POV

As she remembered that, Y/n started to tear up, she quickly wiped her tears and looked beside her, that guy was not here anymore "weird" she thought and swung higher.

To be continued

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