6~On the way

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After classes
3rd person POV

Y/N and Younghee went to Y/N's dorm after grabbing some stuff from Younghee's room to pack for the field trip. Y/N tried to open the lock but the door was already open
"He's at the dorm? Great" y/n said rolling her eyes
"Who?" Younghee asked
"My roommate" y/n opened the door

Inside, Sunghoon and Yeonjun looked at them in surprise, there were a lot of books on the table, they were probably studying
"Yeonjun?" Y/N said
"You know Yeonjun? And Younghee.. what are you doing here?" Sunghoon asked
"You know Younghee?" Y/N looked at sunghoon
"She's my sister, how do you know Yeonjun?" Sunghoon asked and looked at Yeonjun
"He's my brother?" Y/N was confused
"Wow, Sunghoon was your roommate?" Younghee asked in surprise
"He's your roommate?" Yeonjun glared at Sunghoon
"Overprotective mode on huh?" Younghee looked at Yeonjun who was glaring at Sunhoon
"Ew! Yeonjun I'm not like that, you know me" Sunghoon said
"Well then why are you always shirtless?" Y/n asked Sunghoon who was being seriously glared by Yeonjun
"Why do you have to bring that up right now?" Sunghoon gave y/n a look

"Fine Fine, Younghee let's go and pack now" y/n said grabbing Younghee's hand
"You're going to the field trip?" Yeonjun asked
"Yeah, aren't you?" Y/n asked
"Nah, you know the reason" Yeonjun said
"Not that again! Come on, you need to move on" y/n gave him a caring look
Younghee and Sunghoon gave them confused looks that y/n or yeonjun didn't bother to look at
"Can we um.. go pack now?" Younghee broke the awkward conversation
"Yeah let's go" y/n said and went to her room


"So.. I have 2 dresses that I want to pack but I can't choose can you help me? Younghe said picking two dresses from the bed
"Sure! Show me" y/n asked
Younghee showed both of them to y/n and y/n chose the first one
"Don't you think a green cap would go good with it?" Y/n asked Younghee
"Omg yes! I thank Sunghoon has one let me go borrow his cap" Younghee said leaving the room

Younghee came out of the room but there was only Yeonjun, scrolling through his phone
"Where is Sunghoon?" Younghee asked Yeonjun
"Why are you asking me?" Yeonjun was busy on his phone
"Isn't he your friend?" Younghee asked and rolled her eyes
"Isn't he your brother?" Yeonjun looked at her
"Ugh. Just tell me where he is!" Younghee lightly yelled
"I don't know" Yeonjun kept his phone aside

"But why aren't you coming to the field trip?" Younghee asked
"Why do you care? That's none of your business" Yeojun looked angry
"Just asking.. why are you angry?" Younghee pouted
"Fine. I met my ex girlfriend near Han River and broke up with her in an Amusement park! Are you happy now that I told you-" before Yeonjun could complete

"And you're stopping yourself from having fun because of a girl that broke your heart? She moved on but can't you?" Younghee said
"It's not easy to move on Younghee" Yeonjun's voice sounded sad
"Come to the trip, you'll have fun! You're going with your friends not the girl that broke your heart okay?" Younghee said
"Are you sure I'll have fun?" Yeonjun asked
"I'm sure. Now promise me you'll come" Younghee pointed her pinky finger to Yeonjun and he did the same, Yeonjun promised Younghee that he'll come to the field trip.

"Now, where's my brother?" Younghe asked taking back her Pinky finger
"In his room, he's packing" Yeonjun said
"Then aren't you packing? You promised you'll come, now go pack" Younghee pushed him out of the room and gave him quick smile and Yeonjun slightly smiled too

Field trip day
Yeonjun POV

I took a deep breath and went to the University ground where everyone were gathered to board the bus. Ms.Jung soon came and made an announcement.

"Your roommate will be your partner for the rest of trip and those who's roommates aren't coming to the trip can just find a partner on your own. I'm sure everyone will find one. The bus will be here in 10 minutes"

I looked around for a partner since my roommate was a senior and this trip wasn't for them
"Wanna be partners?" I heard someone from behind me and it was younghee
"Um..? Isn't Yuna your roommate?" I asked her
"She's not coming. Partners?" She held out her hand for me
But before I can answer
"Park Younghee! I don't have a partner wanna be partners?" A boy from our class asked and I quickly grabbed her hand
"She already has a partner, right?"
"Y-yes, sorry Lee hyun-bin" She said to the boy as he sadly walked away and turned to me
"What was that?" She asked
"Isn't that what you wanted? Being partners" I awkwardly smiled
"Yes but-" before she can say something else ms jung announced that the bus arrived
"Let's go!" I said dragging her to the bus.

In the bus

We all boarded the bus, I had to sit with Sunghoon as he was my partner, Younghee and Yeonjun sat in front of us
"Yeonjun.. are you sure you're okay with coming? Did I force you to come?" Younghee said looking at Yeonjun
"I'm sure. Thanks to you" Yeonjun slightly smiled at Younghee

Yeonjun smiled.. he smiled at a girl! He often smiles at me but I'm different, I'm his sister, he's cold to everyone. I was so happy he smiled again!

"He smiled!" I whisper yelled to the person sitting beside me, I didn't realize it was Sunghoon because of my excitement
Sunghoon slowly removed his headphones and looked at me confused
"Yeonjun smiled! After.. maybe 3 years!" I hugged Sunghoon while sitting, he flinched at my sudden action, I slowly broke the hug and looked at him awkwardly
"W-What was that" Sunghoon asked
"S-sorry I-" I was about to apologize
"Nevermind, it's fine" Sunghoon said as he put his head phones back and fell asleep

I was getting sleepy too so I put my head back and soon fell asleep, after my little nap I slowly opened my eyes due to someone slowly shaking me and asking me to wake up, after opening my eyes I found myself sleeping on Sunghoon's shoulder, I quickly got up to apologize but before I could say anything Sunghoon simply said
"we're almost there, I'll carry your bag, you still look sleepy"


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