#20 Earphones

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*Time Skip*
(Next Day)

I woke up just to find Seulmin almost ready and Seongrin still sleeping. "Good Morning!" Seulmin chanted and I just showed her my morning smile.

"You look so cool" I said looking at Seulmin's simple yet stylish outfit which was this:

"You look so cool" I said looking at Seulmin's simple yet stylish outfit which was this:

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"Hihihi thenx" She said showing me her teethy grin.

"Why isn't she awake yet?" I asked looking at Seongrin who was sound asleep. "Umm I woke up quite early so I thought I'll wake you two later" she said and I nodded.

"Let her sleep a bit more she worked hard yesterday" Seulmin said and I got up mouthing an 'ok'.

I quickly freshened up and wore this:

Seongrin went to change clothes while I did a very light make up

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Seongrin went to change clothes while I did a very light make up.

I was playing with my phone when Seongrin came wearing this:

I was playing with my phone when Seongrin came wearing this:

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"oooooohhh... You look good" I said and she smiled but Seulmin didn't look happy. "What happened to you?" Seongrin asked her "Yah! I picked out that crop top for you, you'd look good in that one" She said pointing at a pink top placed neatly on Seongrin's bag.

"Ahhh- I don't like pink😅- plus I wanted to wear comfortable clothes that cover me entirely.. so yeah" She said and sat down beside me taking out her phone.

Seulmin snatched her phone and Seongrin looked at her confused "Put on some make up" Seulmin said and Seongrin whined "Do I really have to? Can't I stay bare face? I am good this way"

"Yes you have to" "But I didn't bring any" "Take mine!" I said and she stood up rolling her eyes.

*Time Skip*

We are in the middle of the forest and by we I mean me and Taehyung. I don't know why it has to be him always? As much as I try to maintain distance with him, god bring us closer.

My right ankle in tied to his left one and we are here for treasure hunt... Gawd who'd tell our teachers that this would've been fun if we were pre schoolers.

And this jerk isn't helping at all. He has his earphones on and is walking so casually and dragging me with him and I have been bumping into trees stones and what not.

"Can't you slow down a bit? At least let me read the map!" I said but he won't listen. I took out his earphones and he glared at me as if he'd kill me right away.

"Stop it Taehyung! You're not helping at all! I am not supposed to do this alone!" I said loudly but deep inside I was scared to be alone with him.

"Do whatever you want to do Just don't bother me! Give me my earphones back" He said and reached out his hand to get the earphones but I quickly extended my hand backwards and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"You ain't getting this back until we find the treasure~" I said and kept it in my pocket and started walking but he pulled my arm and pushed me to the tree and started leaning in.

I widened my eyes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I whisper-yelled but he stayed quiet and kept leaning towards my face. About two centimeters away from my face, he held my neck and pulled me closer and I don't know why I shut my eyes not wanting to see what's gonna happen next.

But nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes just to find him only 0.01 milimeteres away from my lips, smirking? I gulped down a huge lump and pushed him slightly to bring some distance between us.

I was looking down trying to catch my breath which I have been holding all this while when suddenly a fist popped up front of me. He opened the fist and it was his earphone!

I tried getting it but I missed "Loser... You really thought I'd kiss you?" He said and I looked at him.


She glared at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes due to anger. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came.

She quickly looked away and started walking totally forgetting that our legs were tied. The rope rubbed harshly against her ankle and it started to bleed.

She dropped herself to the ground and groaned in pain. I too bent down to see if it was a deep cut but she wouldn't let me touch her.

"Stay away" she said and quickly started untying the knot. I tried to help her again but she pushed me this time "I SAID STAY AWAY!" she shouted and started to cry.


I got up started walking towards the camp but the cut on my ankle wasn't really cooperating. I tried to hold in my pain but I couldn't help it. I sat down again burying my face between my knees and started sobbing.

I felt so helpless.

A few minutes later it had started to rain and I looked up and then at Taehyung...

I thought he changed... I thought he too started to like me... Because I did...

----END OF CH. 20----

𝙼𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 || KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now