#35 Confess

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I woke up with a stinging pain in my head and found myself in my bedroom? How did I come here? I closed my head, throwing it backwards in order to recall what happened and then I remembered.

Taehyung is going to sue mom...

I quickly got off the bed throwing the covers off me and putting on my slippers before running downstairs.

By the middle of the staircase, I heard few laughters from the living room which caught me off gaurd. I slowly walked up to the living room and saw mom serving Taehyung some tea.

What on earth is going on here?

I entered with heavy steps and the two of them turned to look at me. Taehyung quickly left his place and walked upto me holding my arm firmly.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" he asked me... fake... I pushed him away and went to mom. "Are you okay sweetie?" she asked and I nodded turning to him.

"She kept her promise... She did come back! You can't do this to us Taehyung! How can you be so inconsiderate?" I said and he looked at mom behind me.

Mom held my shoulders turning me to face her and I turned just to find him smiling? "Relax Sweetie... He ain't sending me anywhere" she said making me even more confused.

"But mom he said he'll do as you said" I said looking at him and he was smiling. "He meant the latter part" Mom said and I looked at her still unable to understand what she meant.

"Report me... Send me for lifetime imprisonment but... Please take care of my daughter... Only you can do it... So take care of her for me" Taehyung repeated moms word and I turned to him and then back to mom.

"The latter part" she repeated herself and then I understood.


She turned to look at me with a questioning expression and I nodded and finally her expressions eased as she held her face with both her palms in embarrassment.

A moment later she removed her hands from her face and put them into her pockets and said "umm... Sorry....... for the slap" she said awkwardly scratching the side of her forehead.

*Time Skip*

Mom told Taehyung to stay as it was already too late for him to go back. She gave us some snacks and went to sleep. And we were currently in my room.

None of us were sleepy so we decided to have a talk but we didn't really had anything to talk about so we both just sat there with a bunch of snacks in front of us and an awkward silence filled the room.

"So... You'll take care of me? What do you mean by that?" I asked breaking the silence and casually picking up a packet of potato chips.


"So... You'll take care of me? What do you mean by that?" she asked me before picking a packet of potato chips. What do I say?

Even I don't know what I meant by that?... I want to take care of her... I want to protect her but... How? and moreover why? I looked at her cutely struggling to open the bag of chips and found my answer.

I love her...


I was trying to open the bag of chips but it was too tight. I closed my eyes and started stretching it from both the sides and that's when I felt a pair of hands over mine.

I opened my eyes and found his face just inches apart from mine. He took the bag of chips from my hand and opened it for me and gave it back to me but I was too stunned from the close proximity between us a moment ago that I didn't realise he had been holding the bag if chips in from of my face for nearly two minutes now.

He shaked me slightly to bring me back to my senses and I realised my heart was beating too quick.


She stood up from the bed and came to my side and held my arm "get up" she said pulling me until I stood in front of her.

She then turned me around and pushed me out if her room meanwhile I just kept walking dumbfounded.

"Downstairs third room on the left... That's the guest room... You can have the chips... I feel sleepy all of a sudden" she said yawning and mouthed a bye before closing the door to my face.

I just stood there dumbfounded. I was... about to... confess...


I closed the door, resting my back on it and a loooooong sigh escaped my mouth. I brought my hand upto my chest just to find my heart thumping so hard against my chest.

What is he doing to me?

Why him out of all the boys out there?

Aishhhh! Gawd please stop doing this to me!

He already rejected me once and I can't fall for him again!

But he's so...

----END OF CH. 35----

𝙼𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 || KIM TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now