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Still Flash back

Someone's Pov



Awkward. They were feeling awkward. The distance between them for this years make them feel like this. Everyone was looking at them, they were also feeling the same.

"Umm...... How are you?" Jimin asked nervously.

"I-i'm fine. How about you?" JK was as nervous as Jimin.

"I'm good." Jimin said. After that there was silence for a long time. They don't know what to say. Then suddenly Jimin spoke again.


JK became happy. After a long time Jimin called him by the name he used to call him. He answered quickly.

"Yes Minnie?"

"Yes Honey?"

But his smile doesn't last long cause he and Minho answered at the same time. Moreover Minho called him by 'Honey'. Jimin said looking at Minho but when he heard  JK's voice, he once again felt awkward. After sometime he starts talking again.

"Hyung, I think I left my phone in your room. Let's go to your place." Jimin said looking at Minho. JK felt a pang on his heart. How could Jimin called Hyung anyone else other than him? His eyes become glossy.

"O-oh. Okay, let's go."

"Umm..... Excuse us. We have to go." Said that Jimin hold Minho's hand and left from there. If only Jimin looked behind for once, he would have seen how JK's tears was rolling through his eyes.

It's been 2 months since JK has returned from China. Everything has changed between Jimin and him. That day when Jimin left with Minho, he got to know that Minho is their neighbour for more than 5 years now and Jimin likes his company. They are always stuck together, just like he and Jimin were years ago.

From that day whenever JK tried to talk with the younger, the younger was making some excuses to avoid him. Most of the time he will choose to be with Minho instead of him. And that's what was hurting the elder most. JK was feeling frustrated about the situation. When he was in China, he always spends his free time looking at Jimin's pic and videos that Haneul and Kai send him, and his hand made bracelet and other gifts. He still has the bracelet. There was two letters in it, 'BF'. He still remember how Jimin explain it by saying that it means 'Best Friend'. But after knowing about his feelings towards the younger he consider it as 'Boyfriend'. Ohh! How can I forgot about the letter Jimin wrote when JK was going to China. Every night JK will read it before going to bed.

And now everything is going out of his hands. The love of his life is avoiding him and going out with another man Infront of his eyes. Today JK is sitting on a bench near their house. He was sitting there closing his eyes. Suddenly he felt someone's presence his right side. He opened his eyes and saw Minho was sitting there. He internally rolled his eyes feeling annoyed.

"Hi" Minho said.

"Yeah, hi" JK answered boringly. Minho chuckled at his behavior.

"I think you hate me, isn't it?" Minho asked.

"I thought you already know that." JK said rolling his eyes. Minho chuckled again. This time JK felt more annoyed.

"Is it funny to you?" He asked angrily.

"Hey!! Chill bro. Why are you behaving like I'm your enemy?" Minho said smilingly.

"Isn't it true? Because the love of my life loves you instead of me." He said angrily.

"Who said you that?" Minho chuckled and shook his head.

"Isn't it obvious? Cause everytime I tried to talk with him, he avoids me and go to you. And the way you call him 'Honey' and looks at him. I can feel that you also love him. Cause that's the way I look at him." JK said. Minho stayed silent for sometime then he said

"I wish he also feel it like you did. Yes, I love him but in his heart there is only one person and that's not me. He loves the person so much but no one knows except him and me. Every time he missed the person, he comes to me. He cries his heart out on my shoulder. I always stayed with him on his every break down. You don't know how he is living his life, only I know that. Cause he don't want anyone to knows about his weakness. I tried so many times to make him saw my feelings towards him but he is blind by the love he has for that person he can't see mine. He is suffering from a long time now. I wish I could do something, so he would forget the person and loves me instead. But unfortunately there is no chance for me." When Minho was talking JK was listening him silently. He was feeling bad for Minho cause he can feel that Minho loves Jimin truly. But at the same time he was feeling useless cause he spend his whole life loving Jimin. And now he got to know that the younger loves someone with all his heart. He didn't notice that he was crying.

"Hey bro! Why are you crying?" Minho asked him worriedly.

"D-do you k-know who is t-the pe-person he l-loves?" He asked. Minho flashed a bitter smile and nodded.

"Who i-is h-he?" He asked again.



"It's you pabo." Minho said and the stayed still. His brain was processing the information.

"Me!!!?" He asked and Minho nodded.

"He found his feelings towards you 5 years ago and he cried when I said the of your word. You always told him that 'we will live together when we will be old enough' he asked me what does it mean and I answered him with my opinion and after some days he came to me and said that he loves you. But he was hurt cause you left him. I tried my best to make him happy. And now you came back, so it's your turn to make him happy. Make him feel loved that's what he is curving for. And one more thing don't tell him that I told you this. Propose him by your own way and make it like you didn't knew about his feelings. Make him surprise. He loves surprise." With that Minho left from there.

JK was happy. Too much happy.

"He loves me!!!" JK said crying.

To be continue.......


Okay, so I was writing this chapter but something happened and I stopped it midway. But when I came back to write it again and suddenly I saw that this book reached 508 reads and 97 votes.

Oh my God! I'm crying now 😭😭😭

Thank you. Thank you for reading my book and voting.

I'm so much happy today 😭😭😭

Vote goal - 5

And I will update the next chapter

Stay safe and healthy 😘

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