43. 20 Years Later

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Halime and Zeynep looked at each other, eyes bright, and faces glowing. It was finally time for their wedding, the day both girls had been waiting for so long. The two had grown up together, along with their best friends Eyman and Hizir. They're parents had been close when they were their age and had passed the friendship on to them.

"Bala'm, I'm having mixed feelings," Osman confesses to Bala "As much as I am happy that our Halime has found her match, it makes me sad to give her to another man."

"Osmanum, how do you think baba'm felt when he gave me to you? Probably the same, but love conquers all and she loves you so much. Besides, it's not like she's moving to another tribe, she'll still be here and you'll still see her everyday." Bala comforts him. She then leaves the tent to go get her daughter ready.

"Halime, let me see you." Halime hears her mom's voice through the tent flap.

"Come in, ana." she allows her in. Bala stares at the beauty that is her daughter and tears start to form.

"Güzel kızım, you look stunning!" Halime is dressed head to toe in a maroon dress with a headpiece studded with gold beads. Bala instantly pulls her into a hug and doesn't let go. "Your baba and I are both so proud of you, Halime'm. You've grown into this beautiful young woman, we can't believe it."

"Ana'm, thank you, thank you for everything you've done for me and Hizir. We wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for the sacrifices you two made for us." Halime utters with tears running down her cheeks. Bala steps back then wipes the tears off her face.

"Halime, it's not good to cry on your wedding day." Bala says with a tearful smile, gives her daughter a kiss, her one last fleeting look, still not believing what is in front of her, and leaves. Meanwhile, Malhun Hatun is getting her own daughter, Zeynep, prepared for the big moment.

"Çanim, Zeynep, güzel'm, I can't believe we're here." Malhun says, proud.

"Eyvallah, ana. It's exciting to know that all four of us will be getting married on the same day and all together." Zeynep states, beaming. Goktug enters and stares at the two women that complete his heart. His last few golden hairs glinting in the light.

"Zeynep, my darling, how are you feeling? Are you excited to marry Hizir? I don't know how I feel about giving you to another man." Goktug sniffs. He knows that Hizir and Zeynep are meant to be, but will never miss an opportunity to tease his daughter. He pulls her into a hug and whispers in her ear, "You got this, don't be nervous like how your mom was on the day of our wedding, you're strong, my dear."

While the brides are getting henna done, Osman is talking to both Hizir and Eyman. He's teaching them how to be strong husbands to their wives.

"My sons, know that your wife is your pole and she will always be at your tent with warm food and her heart, but you shall never mistreat her. Let her cry to you, let her be angry, always listen because they often try to hide their emotions from their husbands in an effort not to burden them. Be the person who asks, not waits to hear. This can be the make or break of a marital relationship." Osman clears his throat but continues, "Yiğitlar'm (my braves), you two have grown up with these women, you know their heartbreaks, and their joys, use that to your advantage. Do not be afraid to ask us, your mothers or any elder for advice. Rely on them and on each other to work through any problem. You two are kind-hearted men, I know that, in shaa Allah, you will have no problem you can't solve." He pats both boys on their shoulders and pulls them in for a group hug. Eyman then leaves Osman and Hizir on their own to talk to his own parents one last time.

"Ogul'm (my son), Hizir'm, I'm so proud of you." Osman praises his son with tears in his eyes "You have never failed to please your ana and I, keep doing that and Zeynep will be just as proud as you." A few seconds later, Halime and Bala walk into the tent, Halime all ready to get married and Bala guiding her because she is wearing a veil over her face. "Halime'm, is that my daughter under there?" Osman lifts her veil and sees Bala's eyes on his daughter. He stares at her for a moment, unable to comprehend that they have made it to this day. While he exchanges words with Halime, Bala is in front of Hizir feeling the same emotions.

"Yiğit'm, you treat Zeynep right otherwise your sister and her parents will come for you. Never be afraid to come to me, my dear, I'm here for you, don't you forget that." Bala has more words to say but her tears come in the way before she can say them.

"Ana'm (my mother), don't cry..." Hizir starts, and wipes the tears from her face, "...your son isn't leaving you, he's still here, I will fight for you till the day I die, ana. Merak etme."

"Biliyorum (I know), ogul'm, biliyorum." The door opens and Emir Bey walks in.

"It's time, it's time," he announces. Halime and Hizir rush to the door followed by Osman and Bala, and they all head towards the field where the nikkah ceremony will take place.

Sheikh Mehmet was already sitting there, beaming at the two brides and two grooms arriving.

"We are gathered here to witness the union of Halime Hatun and Eyman Bey as well as Zeynep Hatun and Hizir Bey." He looks at Halime and Eyman first, "Eyman Bey, you have promised 25 sheeps and 40 gold coins as dowry, is that correct?" Eyman nods. "Halime Hatun, do you accept Eyman Bey as your husband?"

"I do." She responds, her voice firm and confident.

"Do you accept him?" Sheikh Mehmet asks again.

"I do."

"Do you accept him?"

"I do."

He turns to Eyman, "Eyman Bey, do you accept Halime Hatun as your wife?"

"I do." He responds without hesitation.

"Do you accept her?"

"I do."

"Do you accept her?"

"I do."

"Şahitlar (witnesses), do you witness this marriage?"

"We do." Everyone in the tent responds in unison.

"May your union be blessed, Aameen." Bala, Osman, Yildiz, and Emir Bey, look proudly at their children, tears sparkling in their eyes. Then, Sheikh Mehmet turns to Zeynep and Hizir. "Hizir Bey, you have promised 25 sheep and 50 gold coins as dowry, is that correct?" Hizir nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Zeynep Hatun, do you accept Hizir Bey as your husband?"

"I do." She responds with a side-glance towards Hizir.

"Do you accept him?"

"I do."

"Do you accept him?"

"I do." A tear of joy slips down her cheek as she smiles.

"Hizir Bey, do you accept Zeynep Hatun as your wife?"

"I do."

"Do you accept her?"

"I do." He responds confidently.

"Do you accept her?"

"I do." He turns to look at Zeynep next to him and they both beam at each other.

"Şahitlar (witnesses), do you witness this marriage?"

"We do." Everyone in the tent responds in unison.

"May your union be blessed, Aameen." Hizir and Eyman get up and go hug Osman, Emir Bey, Goktug, and all their alp brothers. Zeynep and Halime first hug each other then go hug their mothers. They hug all their friends including Aygul's daughter, Meryem. Bala and Malhun hug each other, their cheeks wet from tears of happiness. Then, Halime and Eyman side by side with Hizir and Zeynep walk out of the tent and are met with all the people of the tribe. The alps sing their traditional song as they walk down the steps. Eyman and Halime look at each other, their faces glowing with delight. Hizir and Zeynep smile as they each think of the person next to them and their eyes slowly meet. Bala and Osman stand together, Osman's arm around Bala's shoulders, watching their kids, who they took care of since they were babies, now all grown up and married. On Osman's other side, Malhun and Goktug stand, with Goktug's arm around Malhun, beaming at the brides and grooms, remembering their own marriage. Not a single one of them will ever forget this day, this moment. It will be engraved in their hearts until the end of their days.

The End!

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