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Prem's POV

We are currently on our way back. Hia is still panicking. When we got the news of Ploy's accident we went straight to our hotel packed our bags and started our journey back. Hia was a mess. His eyes were all puffy and red from crying that much. I have never seen him like this. He must've really loved Ploy. I am sure it was completely platonic. I may hate Ploy a lot but seeing how much Hia cares for her I am really feeling bad. I can't help but think it might have been all my fault.

Currently, I am driving as fast as I am allowed. Hia has calmed down a bit. He is currently silent only looking forward. I don't know what to do. "Hia are you okay?" I ask. He looks at me. He looks tired. He doesn't say anything just nods. I don't say anything more. I continue driving. I still have to break the news to Hia. I know I promised him that I'll say everything today but now is definitely not the time.

I look towards Hia again he looks soo broken. If he knew my truth, would he be like this? I look forward and continue driving. We reach the hospital in about an hour. I park in front of the gate and wait for Hia to get out. But I don't hear a door opening sound. I look to my side to see Hia in deep slumber. He must be tired from all the crying. I get out and go to his side. I slowly open the door and kneel in front of him.

"Hia we're here. Come on wake up." I say to wake him up. He opens his eyes and locks with mine. His eyes get teary. "Do you think she is ok?" He asks me and looks away. "Hia look at me. I don't know her but from what you told me I know she has to be strong. Obviously, she'll be okay. " I say. Ploy was always the stronger one out of the two. Hia hugs me tightly.

 "What I am more worried about is the child inside of her," Hia says and I get shocked. Ploy was pregnant? What? Oh no. "Our parents don't know about it since we haven't been in any family programs recently. The only time my mom could notice something was when we went to buy the rings which she somehow managed. She is already 7 months." He says and I don't know how to react to all this. Hia suddenly hugs me breaking my thoughts. "I don't know what I would do if they don't be alright. I am really scared. Please stay with me." He says and I hug him back.

"I'll always be by your side hia. I promise. But for now, go see how they are I'll be here if you need me." I say. I don't want to go there. I don't want to cause more problems. If Ploy had an accident then the people I never want to see would be there. And I was in no mental state that I could face them. I can't go there.

"You won't come with me? I need you Prem." Hia says. "Hia look there are more important things than me going there. Your family and her family are going to need your support. I am just an outsider to them. I'll be right here if you need me." I say. "But I need your support and you are no outsider to me," Hia says. "I love you and right now I am not important so go now before I kick you out," I say and peck his lips.

Hia gets out of the car and takes a deep breath. He looks at me one last time and gives me a small smile and runs into the hospital. I get into the driver's seat. I sigh. I don't know what will happen if they see me.  And by that I mean my parents. Will they get mad? Will they blame me? Maybe I am bad luck? My mom died when I was little. I come close to Hia and cause him problems. Maybe I should just go away from him so I can't hurt him anymore. 

But how can I break my promise? I love him too much to do that. An YES I am selfish. I want Hia for myself. I want to always hold Hia's hand when he is in trouble. I want to be there for Hia when he is sad. I want to wipe his tears. I want to always stay with Him. Maybe I am just addicted to him. But at this point, I don't even care.

-In the parking space (Some times later)-

 "Hey, baby! Pao..! Hey wake up naa." I hear someone say. I open my eyes to see Hia right next to me. I get really startled. "Hia don't scare me like this," I say as I rub my eyes. When did I fall asleep? It must be all the exhaustion causing me to get this tired. "Hia is Ploy and her family okay?" I ask. All of a sudden the smile on Hia's face disappears. No, don't tell me that. No please let it not be what I am thinking.

"The baby is okay but Ploy and Zach are both in really critical condition. The doctors don't think they can be saved. They said they both have 24 hours to live. So everybody is visiting them It's really depressing up there." Boun says with a sad face. I can see he is trying to maintain his strong side but he is breaking apart inside. I hug him immediately. 

"Everything is going to be okay Hia. She is going to be in a more peaceful place after this." I say as I try to hold my tears which I fail miserably. Hia pulls out the hug and wipes my tears. He cups my face and kisses me gently on the forehead. "Baby Ploy wants to meet you." He whispers in my ears. I flinch. No, no way I am meeting her. "Hia I don't think I should," I say without explaining anything. 

"Pao it's the last thing she wants. I know it may be uncomfortable for you but Please for me meet her." Boun begs and looks at my face. I am scared what if Ploy recognizes me. I don't want to go. But how can I refuse to go? I make up my mind that this may be the time I face everything. I look at Hia and ask "Are your parents there?" He simply shakes his head and then I say "Okay then let's go." 


Hi ya'll!! Yeah, I am back after a month. Nothing surprising. All I want to say is



 I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! 


PS. I don't know why I chose that pic for this chapter. But it was too cute!!

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