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Prem's POV

"You bastard. Why are you here? And Why are you holding her? Get the hell away from her." I hear a female voice say. I look forward to seeing it's my stepmom coming towards me.

I am stunned by seeing her. I was soo scared that I couldn't move. It was like my feet were stuck to the ground. I closed my eyes waiting for an impact but nothing happened. I felt someone pull me to their side. "Don't you dare touch them!" I hear someone say. I open my eyes to see Boun standing right in front of me, covering me and the baby. "Don't you dare touch my family!" He says again.

"Shut up! Do you even know who he is?" My step-mom says. "YES. He is my boyfriend, my lover, my everything, the baby's dad, Ploy's brother Prem." Boun says. After hearing that I wanted the ground to swallow me. Boun knows about my real identity. But then why is he defending me? I feel another hand on my arms pulling me back. I look at the person to see it's Boun's dad. He pulls me back and covers me. 

"He is not her dad. She is my granddaughter. And I don't want that dirty bastard to hold her." I hear my step-mom say. I am scared. I promised Ploy to keep her safe I can't let them take her from me. I tightened my grab on her. I don't want to lose her. I don't want to lose this family. You can call me whatever you want. I don't know when I started to cry. I feel a comforting hand on my arms. I look to my side it's Boun's mom. "Honey don't worry nobody is going to take her away from you okay. Calm down." She says and gives me a comforting smile. 

"If you keep calling my boyfriend like that, Mrs. Warut, I'm sorry, but I'm going to lose my cool," Boun says I look at him and his face is filled with rage. "Boun calm down. Go to Prem. He needs you right now. I'll talk to Claire." Boun's father says. He obeys and comes towards me. He tries to take the baby from me. I don't let him. I am scared that once I let go of her she'll be gone forever. "Hey baby it's okay I am gonna just give her to mom." He says and gives me a small smile. I look towards Mrs.Noppanut, She gives me a small smile too. I feel like I can trust her so I give her to Boun. Boun takes her to his mom and gives her and comes back to me. He comes and takes me in a big hug. I feel safe in his arms. He starts to whisper sweet nothing in my ears.

"Claire I think it's better if you leave Prem and Ploy's baby alone. I really don't want to go the legal way." Boun's Boun says. "Huh go if you want but that kid is my daughter's I have all the rights to have her and to top that your son is not even the real father. He is a Fa**ot." I hear my step-mom curse. "If you don't leave I'll be forced to call the police. And don't call my son that. If you don't wanna go to jail it's better to leave. Your own daughter gave testimony against you. And it's her decision that Boun and Prem would raise her child." Boun's dad says.

"Do what-" "ENOUGH Claire." I heard a voice that I haven't heard for almost 10 years. It was my father. I started crying hearing that voice. Even if I hated them I really missed my days with my father. I felt Boun hug me even tighter. "Josh I am sorry for everything. We'll leave but can I talk to my son once." My dad says. Boun's father looks towards us. Before Boun could say no I say "Yes. But only him." Boun looks at me shaking his head. "Are you sure Baby? Do you want me to stay with you?" I kiss him on the cheeks and shake my head. " I'll be fine and if anything goes wrong I'll come to you. Okay." I say. He looks at me, his eyes filled with concern. I give him a small smile and go out of the hospital. 

We go outside, It's just dad and me. It feels really awkward. It was the first time I saw him after I ran away.  "How are you, Prem?" He asks awkwardly. I smile a little. "I am fine. How are you holding up?" I ask. "I don't know." He says. Again it was silent. "Prem I am really sorry," Dad says. "It's okay I forgave you." "Nolet me finish. I promised your mom that I'll always take care of you. I won't ever let you cry. And I was the reason you cried. When you left I was devastated. I tried to find you everywhere. But you were nowhere. That's when I realized what I did. I am soo sorry for everything. I am sorry for every moment I made you cry. I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most. I am sorry for everything." Dad finishes.

We are both crying. I go close to him and hug him close. He hugs me back immediately. "It's okay dad. I forgive you. I am glad you understood. I am soo happy I got you back." I say. We stay hugging each other for a while. When we both have calmed down he pulls away from the hug. "I think I should leave. You know how Claire is. I'll try to calm her down. Take care of our granddaughter. I hope to meet you again." Dad says and leaves. I sit on the bench and try to take in everything that just happened. 

In less than 24 hours my whole life just turned upside down. Right now I just want to run away. But I don't want to leave this beautiful family I just got. I am both sad and happy right now. Sad because I just lost the sister I got back happy because of the new family I just got. Suddenly I feel a hand on my back. I flinch and look back. The hand moves to my waist and the person sit next to me. I put my head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Mhm. Did they leave?" I ask. "Hmm, junior Plo is with mom and dad." He says. "Hia I am sorry for hiding the truth," I say as I look towards him. "It's okay Prem. I knew about this a long time ago. At first, I wanted to hate you but I just couldn't. Ploy told me the whole truth and I started to understand you more." Hia says and takes my hands in his. "I love you," I say and hug him. "I love you to Prem so so much," Hia says and hugs me harder.





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