Chapter One, Meeting Captain Ross Poldark

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Allia is pronounced Il-lah and is a Cornish word that means "most beautiful".
Cordelia is Cornish for 'faithful daughter'.
Melyor is pronounced MEL-yohr and is Cornish for honey.

Chapter One, Meeting Captain Ross Poldark

Ross Poldark took the offered money for the pocket watch that has once belonged to his deceased father before it had been sold. Nodding to the man and gesturing to Jed one of his servants that he had inherited from his father to follow him they continued to make their way through the stalls that made up the market. Making his way towards a man who held a diary cow by a piece of rope, he bartered and quickly brought the animal adding the money over and ordering Jed to take his purchases back to the house. After watching to make sure the man did as ordered Ross continued up the dirt path taking in the wares that were on sale.

Ross smiled as he made his way through the Market, he smiled as he saw children laughing and cheering along to a Punch and Judy puppet show. However, his attention was drawn away from them as he heard dogs angrily barking and men cheering from down the street just passed the tavern, The Red Lion, he paused for a moment to watch as another man carried in a rather scrawny looking thing with light brown scruffy fur only to hear to shouts sound somewhere from his left over the jeering of the many spectators. "Hey, that's our dog!"

Ross caught sight of two young lads as they pushed their way through the crowd in order to get to their dog. "Get away! Get off him!" Ross heard them call as the dog started to whine once again. However, the lads were unable to help as they were pushed in front of the dogs as the spectators pushed them across the circle. "Garrick! Get off him! Garrick!" Was called and the lads nearly stumbled and fell but in the process bumped into another of the spectators. Only to be pushed forward again and hit in the face causing the pair of them to fall to the floor.

Taking note of those gathered and realising that no one else would step forward to stop the two lads being beaten he quickly strode to the man and stepped in front of one of the lads, the smallest one, as he was about to be kicked in the chest. "Enough!" He shouted and took hold of the mans arm before he could get closer to the lads. "Take my advice, you run." He stated whilst keeping a firn grip of the mans shirt before pushing him away. "Or else?" The man asked with a snarl before he went quiet as Ross hit him with his whip.

The man quickly fled to a chorus of gasps and exclamations, however Ross did by pay much attention to them and quickly knelt beside the lads that lay upon the floor. "Have they hurt you, child?" He asked the lad closer to him as he placed his arm upon the lads arms as he lay upon the dirt road. "Don't 'ee "child" me, mister." The lad had the cheek to say as he shrugged off his hand from upon his shoulder before moving on to check on the smaller one who was laying in front of their dog.

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