2. For "us"

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(This was already written in a Diary App years ago, I just decided to write the same here)

It's funny.
I like to write anything on my diary.
A diary app, which I downloaded exactly 4 years ago
And suddenly, after 3 years I'm writing on it again.
It's been a while... Why am I writing again on here?
I shouldn't!
I already did it, no turning back

Well frick

I don't like to curse a lot that's not my thing.
But i feel worse than ever today, so I don't mind it, at least for today
I'm just trying to discover my feelings, really
I will write my thoughts.
And maybe one day, i will have a good laugh at them.
And my future self will be proud of myself.
... Or at least i wish so
But no matter what happens...
At the end of the day, this is my life.
I know how to start it, how to cherish it, how to manage it, how to end it.
And after all those bad decisions, i will be the only one there, for myself.
I don't count on anyone else
But i wouldnt be mad if someone at least pitied for me.
The girl that was "maybe" misunderstood
It's something I always wished for, and i still got hope for it.
So, to my future self:
You can do it
We both know what we want
We are ourselves, we can't let others interfere with our dreams, and ideals
After all, I love "you", my dear myself
I'm grateful for all the moments we experienced together
Being yourself is something others shouldn't mind
Except if you aren't tolerating them
Be careful
But above everything else
Be you, just you
You are more valuable, I'm more valuable
We are a "you", a person
And I'm happy
And also, I'm proud of everything.
Thank you for making me company in this life
My lovely myself, yours sincerely

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