9. A Snake's Desire (2) 🔞

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I bite my lower lip in satisfaction when I hear Aquila's sudden intake of breath in answer to my seductive words. "Hah, my beautiful nymph, how you provoke me so..." He picks up my hand from my belly to kiss my palm. His rapid, erratic breathing ignites flame of greed inside me where his tip is idly poking.

Pinning me down with his lustful gaze he suckles on my inner wrist. Without words of warning, he takes both of my hands to hook them around his neck.

With face consumed by unbridled need, he leans over me. Planting his palms to either of my face, he drops a gentle kiss on my forehead, "This is your first time, so it might hurt a bit--mngh--"

I pull him down and kiss him hard before he could finish his sentence.

He shuts he eyes as he reciprocates in kind. As I savour his oral essence with my tongue and him tasting mine, I lift my waist so that my nether lips pecks his slippery glans, wordlessly begging him to fill me up completely.

Sensing my eagerness to take him in, Aquila's self control seems to snap.

He braces one arm beneath my nape to hug my shoulders. His other hand gripping my pelvis to position my body for his penetration.

As his tongue entangles with mine, his hips thrust forward. It didn't pierce an entry into my body straight away.

I moan my impatience into his mouth when he rubs himself against my wet opening. I suck on his tongue to show him my blazing desire for him. I arch into his groin after encircling my legs around his hips, hurrying him without words.

He growls before breaking our kiss to bite my neck before plunging his rigid flesh savagely into my vaginal passage. Burying himself to the base of his roots inside my body in a single fluidy thrust.

"Mhm--!" A sharp pain rips through my lower half. To stifle a pained whimper, I bite down on his shoulder.

"I'm inside now..." he passionately licks the tingly biten site before kissing and tasting my skin there. "Gods, how have I loved before this...?"

I open my eyes after the pain subsides. I kiss my lover's throat feeling my aching body stuffed full by him, stretched to its limits. Still, I arch to take him in deeper despite the painful discomfort. My foolish action shoots a bolt of ache up my lower spine causing my vaginal walls to clamp down on his pulsating length unconsciously.

"Nngh, haah" Aquila withdraws from my neck to pepper affectionate kisses all over my face, "Don't move just yet. Instead, breath slowly. In and out." He mobilises his hand from my bottom to caress my face. Planting a devoted kiss on a corner of my teary eyes, as he did.

I look up at him as I slowly breathe. At the same time, I move my hands from his nape to stroke his lower back.

"Good girl..." he smiles, kissing my eyes "Relax your body. You are clenching me too tight--nngh," he shuts his eyes when I grasp his buttocks to draw him down and deeper still into me, "Hydrina, don't make me lose reasons," he begs through clenched teeth, "Help me, little one." His amorous eyes reopen to plead with me with earnest lust, "I am trying very hard to be gentle for your first time--"

"I don't want you to be gentle," I turn sideway to kiss and lick his palm, "My lord, I want you to love my body the way you want it. Even if it hurts, I still want it, so please mhn--"

His lips descend on mine in a swoop. I open my mouth to receive his lapping tongue as my eyes drift close. His hand left my cheek to capture my breast. In a fervour, he squeezes me hard, though not enough to hurt before twirling my nipple while his mouth devours mine. In the same breath, he withdraws his throbbing erection, only to ram it back to the hilt inside me. He swallows my joyful moans and intermittent cries of transitional sensations as he continues to slam his thick arousal into me, over and over again. To a point that my legs slide off from his waist onto the bed from the powerful impacts.

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