Chapter 1

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It was raining when Hope woke up. Her right side is almost drenched. No one had bothered to close the window after she fell asleep."What's happening?" She asks the bus conductor who was telling people to get off the bus.

"The road's blocked because of a landslide." He said, "It'll probably take two days to clean up."

"Where are we?" Hope asked. It's almost midnight, and she couldn't see anything.

"Mystic falls."
Hope's heart stopped. She is in the very town she's been avoiding like a plague for years.


Josie was finishing last bit of rice and vegetables on her plate, when the phone rang. Ugh, who is calling at 11p.m. on a Friday? She goes to see who it is.

There was no sound on the other side , after a moment a voice said "Josie?"

You don't spend years waiting to hear one voice not to notice it when it finally appears.

"Hope?" Josie said.

"Hi, uhh I— I ….need a favor. I'm stuck in Mystic Falls because of the landslide. Can I stay at your house?" Hope asked.
Wow straight to the point, no explanation whatsoever.

"There are hotels around the bus station , you know that right?"

"Well I…. can't really afford that." Hope answered, sounding strained.

"Okay, I'll be there in about 10 minutes." She has so many questions right now. But she chose to be calm , if this is her chance at knowing what happened. She would take it.


Josie was there within 10 minutes, driving her father's blue jeep.

Hope still couldn't believe Josie had answered her call. Who would want to talk to their ex best friend who disappeared, and didn't answer their calls for three years. But there she was, sitting in the driver's seat waiting for Hope in the middle of the night.

Hope got into the passenger seat. "Thank you."
Josie didn't say anything, just gave a slight nod .


When they reached Josie's house. A five story building. Josie turned the engine off and got out . Hope followed her into the building and up the stairs.

When they reached the fifth floor Hope stopped , but Josie kept going.
"Where are you going?" Hope asked.

"I moved to the small apartment upstairs last year." Josie replied.

"Wow. You really did it!" Hope knew moving to that apartment was Josie's ultimate dream.

"Yeah" Josie admitted, sounding dreamy as if she couldn't believe she made it this far.

They entered the apartment silently.
It was smaller than Josie's previous home.
1 bedroom, a small living room and a kitchen. But enough for one person. A dark green velvet couch occupied most of the living room. On the other side of the room  was a two seater table. 

"Hope?" Josie's voice startled her . She was too busy looking around. There was so much of Josie in this place.  It is exactly how Hope imagined Josie's apartment would look like. "Sorry, what did you say?" Hope asked.
"Did you eat dinner?" Josie asked again.
"Oh, no."

"All right, freshen up while I warm up the food." Josie said, then pointing to the bedroom she added "Bathroom is that way."


After Hope got out of the shower and changed into clean clothes , she went back to the living room.
There was a plate of food on the table, she sat down beside Josie, mumbled a thank you and started eating. God she was famished.

Josie was still sitting across the table.
After a while she asked "Do you have an explanation?" 
An explanation for what? Why did I leave? Why didn't I call? Why was I in this town? Why did I act like an asshole for three years? Hope chose to answer the easiest one.
"I was returning from a trip to Rangamati. The bus conductor said it would take a few days to clean up the road. So, don't worry, I'll leave as soon as possible."

"Good" said Josie.


"You can sleep in the bedroom, I'll take the couch." Josie said , then added "if you wake up before me , there's oats in the kitchen . Help yourself." Hope nodded once .
"Good night, Josie." Hope said.

"Good night, Hope." Josie replied. "Have nightmares."

Hope chuckled "you remembered."

"Of course I did" said Josie

Have nightmares , a silly thing they had created when they were little. Instead of saying sweet dreams  they said "have nightmares" and vice versa. Of course Josie remembered, she always does. It's both a blessing and a curse.



Hi! Thank you everyone who read the first chapter of In Her Eyes The Violets Lie.
This is my first time writing anything. So if you see any  spelling or grammar mistakes in the writing, point them out but please be kind :)
And I'll try to post as consistently as I can.
Oh, and also this is an au. So only Hope, Josie and Landon are the most frequent characters from Legacies. You will see Lizzie, Cleo and some other characters from the show but they aren't regulars. I've added a few original characters of my own.

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