Ch. 4 The Incident

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Emberley's POV

I reach the heavy man that caused this ordeal and I approach him.

"Follow me." I say turning and walking to the house. It's a pretty lengthy walk, around a mile back, so I'm pretty fucking tired.

We arrive at the house and as soon as I get into the den the old fuck starts talking.

"What'd you want my girl to do for you?"

"Ah sir, just wanted a good old handjob. I told her I'd pay the rest for it."

"Well, those are 25 extra. So it'll actually be 75 in total" he explains making me shoot a confused look at him. "I'm not doing that." I snap and they both laugh. "You don't have a choice sweetheart. I own you."

"Mr. Evans, please. I don't want to do this." I whisper making him laugh once again. "Too fucking bad. And for talking back, this gentleman gets a blowjob for the same price."

"I don't even know what that is sir." I say concerned with what these men are about to do.

"He'll show you." Mr. Evans says standing up, collecting his money and walking out of the room.

"Just get on your knees. This will be over in a minute." He grunts pulling himself out of his pants.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

He makes me suck his manhood and then halfway through I hear him murmur "now that he's not here." And then I feel a blow to my face. I drop to the floor and lay there dazed, hearing ringing in my ears and seeing fuzz I look up to him and he grabs my arms and pins me down.

"G-get off! G-get off of me you fucking jerk!! Get the fuck o-" and then he hits me again. I feel splitting pain in my jaw and I cry out. "Shut the fuck up bitch." He growls before taking all the dignity I had left. Halfway through he hit me so hard that my head bounced off the hardwood and I was knocked out cold.

As I awake I smell smoke. I'm lying there naked, all alone, my left eye swollen shut and my jaw in excruciating pain. Blood covering my thighs and the floor below me. No clothes around.

What the fuck?

I tried to stand and I couldn't. Everything hurt.

I looked in the direction of the kitchen and I saw smoke billowing up to the ceiling.

Fuck. Fuck.

I crawled to the front door and tried to open it and it wouldn't budge.

"Disobey one of my rules, I will leave you in this house while it burns."


Survival mode kicks in and I grab onto the chair railing on the wall.

I'm not going to die here.

I get to my feet and I'm sobbing. This hurts so bad.

Find something to put over you.

That guy must've took my clothes. Probably thought it would humiliate me more.

Okay, okay, something to cover me. A blanket.

I rush to a bedroom and drape a thin sheet over my shoulders.

Find an exit. There are Windows and doors. Try them all. I walk to the back door in the kitchen and grab the handle, immediately regretting my decision I can hear my skin get seared by the door.

Fucking perfect. Not only am I fucking ripped in half, I've burned my dominant hand.

And then there's a huge explosion and I drop to the floor as the fire engulfs the ceiling. All I can do is scream. I crawl out of the kitchen and into the living room where the fire is beginning to spread.

Find the safest room in the house and shut the door. I army crawl back to the furthest room in the house and I lock myself in there, I just hope someone ends up seeing the fire and calling the police.

Mayas POV

"Station 19, AID car and Ladder, structural fire. Unknown status of people. 124 Wilson Street. Repeat, station 19, AID car and Ladder, structural fire. Unknown status of people. 124 Wilson street."

"Let's load up 19!! Time to get some fire!"

We all pile into the ladder truck and warren drives the aid car. We arrive to the scene and this is a huge fire. "Captain bishop. Reports of screaming coming from inside of the structure. Homeowners are no where to be found."

"Thank you sir."

"19! Listen up!! Montgomery, Gibson you two get the hose set up. Herrera, warren you standby and wait for me to clear the house. If I start making noise like it's coming down, you get it hosed down before you get me."

"Respectfully, you're the captain. Captains don't go into the fire." Herrera explains making me laugh.

"I'm not risking my team. I'm going in. Miller, Vic you with me?"

"Absolutely we are!" Vic answers for both of them making me laugh. "If it starts to rumble, you get out as soon as possible."

They both nod and we gear up and get to the front door. "Station 19 fire department!!" I yell before kicking in the front door. "Station 19, call out if you can hear me!!"

Silence is all I'm met with. We sweep through the kitchen, and I hear Vic yell "cause of fire, someone left drugs cooking!!"

Amazing. We sweep through the living room and the hall, there is one door that's closed. "Closed door!!" I shout to my team and they meet me there. "Station 19, call out to me!!" I announce once again and still no reply. I kick the door once as hard as I can and it won't budge. "Let me go!!" Miller screams before running full speed at it.

This will either end very badly or very good. No in between.

Luckily the door budged and we had access into the room. I could barely see in there with all of the smoke and my fucking mask wasn't helping my vision issues at all. I wandered around the room till I nudged something with my foot, I dropped to the ground to see what it was and I'm met with a smaller girl, covered almost entirely in black soot, barely breathing and laying naked in a blanket.

"19!! I found her!!!" I shout before hoisting her up and putting my mask on her face. She needs it more than I do. We all hear a loud crash and we take off running, knowing that this house is about to go. I'm the last one in the house and I'm hauling ass. I get to the front door and hear everything begin to crash and I just tuck the young girl in my arms further and jump for it.

winter or summer?

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