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(12 years into the war)

Asha loved being a Talon.

It was so fulfilling. It was based on stealth rather than fighting, and she got to know so many dragons from so many tribes!

Not all of them were very friendly (you'd think that if they joined a group about stopping the war, they would be a little more cheerful and nice about it). But that didn't matter much. She still had her best friend, Hvitur.

Nautilus even let her visit her family sometimes. Although, after a few tries, she had stopped going. They had all turned cold against her, not wanting to talk to her much. Even Egret and Bramble, which surprised her.

The only exception was Squelch, who was not so little anymore. Every time she saw him she noticed he was still wearing her necklace, and her heart swelled. She visited him, alone, whenever she got the chance.

She tried not to miss her siblings. Gator included. 

But some days, it was very difficult.

Such as today. She walked around the camp hidden in the mountains, trying to look cheerful, but her wings felt heavier than usual and the smiles she offered the other dragons (some who smiled back, some who did not) didn't feel very genuine.

She was about to go get some breakfast, thinking maybe that would help cheer her up, when someone approached her. A Seawing. Barnacle, I think.

"Nautilus wants to speak with you," he said in a gruff voice.

She dipped her head politely. "I will be there right away!"

She turned and lifted off, heading for one of the several openings in the surrounding cliffs. She swooped inside and landed, stubbing her claw on that stupid nub of a stalagmite that she always ran into.

She shook off the pain, and walked calmly down the tunnel that lead to Nautilus' office. She paused outside the entrance to the cave.

"Come in," he called in his semi-nasally voice.

"You wanted to see me?" she asked, ducking inside.

"Yes." He looked up from the scroll he was scribbling on. "You have been assigned a very special job."

She grinned, and her wings snapped open in excitement. "What's the assignment?"

"You," he said, "are going to be one of the five guardians."

She gasped, and raised her talons to her mouth. "Me? Wait, me? Really?"

"Yes, you," he said drily.

"But why?"

"Frankly," he said, "you seem like the best mother material. The council agrees that you would be the best at raising the dragonets."

"Oh my moons. They picked ME. Out of all dragons!" She bounced on her toes excitedly. "Thank you so much!"

He smiled a little. "You're welcome," he said, slightly drily.

"Who else is getting assigned? There's going to be five guardians, right?"

"Well, here comes one of them," Nautilus said, nodding towards someone behind her.

"Ow!" a familiar voice said. "That moonsblasted stalagmite-"

"Hvitur!" she said, whirling around. He grinned at her.

"Hey, Asha! You're here too? Are we in trouble or anything?"

"No," she said excitedly. "We get to-"

"Ahem," Nautilus coughed from behind them.

"Oh, right. Let Nautilus say it." She made a face at Hvitur, who smothered a giggle with his most serious attentive face.

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