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lacriomsa, the requiem of death

CHOIRS OF DEATHLY seraphs sang the slivery dulcet; the somber ballad that had long been forgotten by mortals. The gifts of which had been utterly shuttered by humanity's own pridefulness and arrogance. In response, the heavens above have declared divine wrath as the sole solution to such conceit and ego. The absolute of crime and punishment, to be condemned a death of fiery entrance.

Clipped, the instrumentality of humanity (as dictated by the heavens) calls upon the chastisement through which mankind may learn. Nothing good ever comes from one's own self-proclaimed omniscience or pity.

Why draw attention to one's self when the injury is self-inflicted? Why the selfishness and avarice? Is such narcissism necessary to prove one's own doctrine?

No, there is no need yet this individual had yet to learn. Wallowing in one's own pool of pity and self-loathing; they are unable to perceive their own obsessive desires. It wasn't merely a matter of desired and projected want, it was lust. A jealous lust that stemmed from the roots of hatred and inability. Treated as unapproachable goddess; unparalleled and royal, there is little she could do to let the facade fall.

Thus from behind the curtain of the tragedy, she allowed herself to consume what was left of restraint and good.


DILUC'S VOICE WAS carried by genial, night winds, brushing against his fiery crimson hair that swayed like the dance of fallen autumnal leaves in the finales of a year— where all of nature goes to die until the rebirth. The two of you stood outside on the balcony of Angel's Share whilst a drunken pandemonium occurred within.

You smiled at his question, soothed by his voice and touch. "I am not cold when you are around."

As poetically literal as your words were, he did seemly make the night feel warmer. You wondered which was it— if it was his Vision or his influence exerted over you.

"Your words are kind, Lady." Diluc meant genuine respect to your title in his words though you noted his teasing lilt within his tone. "How did you like Liyue?"

A giddiness in your chest overwhelmed you. Biting back a nervous stutter, you cleared your throat to speak. "It was utterly wonderful, Diluc. If only you had came with me..."

Diluc brought a hand to your shoulders, gently squeezing your tensed muscles. "Next time," he assured you. "We can go together next time."

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