Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Recovery

Inside a house where its walls are painted black and its height has the height of a mansion, a young man is standing beside Dahyun who remains unconscious, resting on a bed. Her abdomen, which is exposed, has white clothing encircled around it.

"This woman, saving a man whom she just met, she proved me one thing," he speaks while staring at Dahyun, "she's a senselessly foolish person."

Y/N turns away from her and starts to walk towards the door, yet he feels something that is wrapping his hand making him stop in his footsteps.

Dahyun is holding his hand while her eyes are open a bit, she speaks lowly. "Mister... Where am I?"

Y/N takes a deep breath and he holds her hand and pulls it away from his wrist in a gentle manner. He turns to Dahyun, and asks, "How are you feeling? What are you perceiving right now?"

Dahyun moves her eyes toward Y/N. "The pain of the knife remains, but I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that 'question'. How are you, Y/N?"

Y/N's eyes go wide a bit, but he remains calm then he replies, "I don't know if you're a stalker of mine, but who am I to accuse you of such a thing? I don't know how you even know my name, Kim Dahyun, one of the rappers of Twice."

Dahyun smiles slightly. "It doesn't seem that you hate KPOP, Y/N."

Y/N speaks while staring at Dahyun. "You're weird, I entrust my faith in your anger to arise and beat me to a pulp. But it looks like my expectations were the one who thumped me."

Then Y/N walks toward the door, Dahyun suddenly speaks, "By the way, Y/N!"

Y/N's hand was stopped from reaching the doorknob, he spoke without looking back. "I have all the time."

Y/N turns around and looks at Dahyun. "Yes?"

Dahyun smiles widely. "Thank you for saving me back there. May I know your ideal type of woman?"

Y/N makes a droning sound, then he speaks, "I... I had a relationship with a woman before, but she— never mind."

Dahyun immediately looks down, her smile decreases but it never disappears from her lip, she says, "I see... I hope someday, you can freely tell me about what happened between you and that woman. Telling your problems to someone might be the medicine to cure your stress."

"I will be cooking dinner," Y/N says, "Rest well, Dahyun. Then I'll bring you to your work after your recovery."

Dahyun moves her eyes down as red tints appear on her cheeks. "W-Well! You can go now... Uhm... Oh yes! I'll tell you if I truly recovered."

"With all one's heart, I'll pray for your recovery," Y/N told Dahyun.

Y/N holds the doorknob and pushes the door forward, then Dahyun shouts his name. "WAIT! Y/N!"

Y/N ceased his movements, he turns toward his room which has a dim light, then his eyes go to Dahyun, who is sitting on a bed with the blanket covering her femurs.

"Hmm... What is it, Dahyun?" Y/N asked.

Dahyun remains smiling. "After I regain my strength... Can I ask you to... To go out with me?"

Y/N's eyes go wide, hence he smiles widely. "I am truly touched by your offer. How could I not accept such an offer from a kind woman like you?"

"So it's a yes?" Dahyun asked.

"Yes, Dahyun. I'll go out with you," Y/N replied.

Y/N steps out of her room, then he grabs the doorknob and pulls it, locking the door. Then Y/N walks leisurely towards the stairs.

"How can I say this to her?" Y/N asked himself.

"I come from a bloodline that is legal to marry many women," Y/N clicks his tongue, "my lineage is bullshit! And I hate it."

"I better make dinner," Y/N muttered.

After a few hours, inside a room, Dahyun opens her eyes and she arises from the bed but remains sitting on it.

She says, "What is he doing right now?"

Then she stands from the bed and walks toward the closed door, then she holds the doorknob and rotates it. Once the door is open, she begins to step out of the room, then she feels someone behind her causing her to halt abruptly.

"I'm impressed," Y/N spoke, he's standing three steps away from her while laying his whole body on a wall.

Dahyun turns around her, she says, "I'm sorry... I just want to know what my older sisters are feeling right now."

Y/N straightens his body, he speaks, "You know... I didn't experience having a sister... I'm a single child. But if I were in your big sisters' shoes, I would feel disheartened that my sister isn't with me right now."

Y/N moves toward the side of Dahyun whilst Dahyun's eyes are fixated on him.

"You've slept 3 days already," Y/N tells Dahyun, "it is upon your decision if your heart is longing to see them again."

Dahyun turns beside her, she stares into his eyes then speaks, "I heard from Chaeyoung that she saw something in your eyes..."

"Let me guess... She saw sadness in my eyes?" He asked calmly.

Dahyun nods and Y/N smiles slightly, he tells Dahyun. "My sadness doesn't have any connection, neither kin to your worry... I grew up with this Dahyun, I grew all alone."

Y/N turns away from her and he begins to walk past Dahyun while speaking, "If you have truly made a resolve to what I proposed... Then you either have dinner in this house or eat in this house."

Dahyun was stunned by his words, she asks, "isn't having dinner and eating differently?"

Y/N halts, then answer her question without looking at Dahyun. "Both do the same thing but have a difference, dinner is having a meal during the time of evening and eating happens every time you feel hunger."

Dahyun tilts her head as her eyes go wide while staring at him, and she whispers, "Oh... Now I know."

After several hours, a spoon and fork are put gently on the rectangular white plate by a pair of white hands. Y/N puts his dark mug on the table, beside his rectangular grey plate.

Y/N shifts his face to Dahyun who's looking at her plate, Y/N asks, "What do you have in mind, Dahyun? Is your wound being a drag?"

Dahyun shakes her head, then she mumbles, "I-I just miss them... I wonder if they're looking for me..."

"Sorry, I cannot comfort you with that kind of problem which you are carrying," Y/N says, "but people are like caterpillars, people evolve and learn new things."

Y/N moves his face at Dahyun, he speaks calmly and smiles slightly. "I believe, I can cope with that problem of yours. So, I'll need your aid, tell me... Tell me about your problem."

Dahyun blushes, she speaks, "I-I don't know what to say... But you kinda remind me of our leader."

"Your leader?" Y/N remains smiling, "Does she loves dark colors or love being alone?"

"No!" Dahyun chuckles, "You and her can make someone feel comfortable in a matter of seconds."

"Her?" Y/n moves his eyes up as he scratches his chin, "Oh, Park Jihyo... I like her, know! She's one of the most hardworking women that I know. She sacrificed her childhood just to make her talent bloom."

"I feel concerned for what she went through, even if I hate KPOP—" Y/N moves his eyes down at Dahyun, "may I?"

Dahyun replies, "May I what?"

"I know that I struck Chaeyoung with my hostility, I would like to make it up to her," Y/N answered Dahyun.

"You're a kind man," Dahyun says, "you're actions are humane. I'm sure that Chaeyoung will like you easily... Yet, I'll be the first one you'll date okay?"

Y/N replies, "Just tell me, whenever you—"

Dahyun speaks, "Tomorrow... I would like to go tomorrow."

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