Minnie's letter

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*mr.padfoot made a group chat*

*Mr.padfoot added: lilyflower, prongs, moonmonster and Reggie*

*Mr. Padfoot has changed he's username to padfoot*

* Moonmonster 's user name as changed to moony by padfoot*

Moony: hi ......

Lilyflower: hello rem

Prongs: sup dude

Reggie: @prongs please never say that again

Padfoot: @prongs I agree with Reggie for once that was tragic mate

Moony: anyways... Why we here pads?

Padfoot: oh right yeah...

Padfoot: Minnie owled me and said as we apparently are always together it saved owl postage to send just one letter....

Lilyflower: ok but what does the letter say Sirius

Padfoot: I was getting to that ...
The letter reads:
dear Mr and Mr Lupin-Black, and Mrs, Mr and Mr potter-evans-black
I am writing to all of you in this one letter as you seem to all be together at all times... Anyway the reason for this correspondence is to offer each of you a position as a member of my staff. With your mix of rebellious off spring down to just master Theodore this upcoming academic year as a apprentice under myself, I believe but mostly hope the mischievousness will slow and therefore it be safe to employ the what I I hope to be matured trouble makers all be it clever  students I had the pleasure of teaching before the new generation came to be. Please reply to this letter with each of your answers with in a week.
Hope to see you all this upcoming September and that your keeping well.
Yours sincerely, miss Minerva McGonagall
Headmistress of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Scotland.

Padfoot: so whose up for a long awaited new adventure?

Moony: I'm in

Prongs: me to

Reggie: well I am definitely interested so I'm in

Lilyflower: what a splendid idea I will join you guys

Padfoot: of course I am in I'll go right a letter of confirmation to Minnie.

*Padfoot has logged out*

Moony: I better go and make sure he doesn't write something stupid...

*Moony has logged out*

Lilyflower: Well I'm with our kids so I'll let them know.

Reggie: cool. Me and James will see u back at home love xx

*Lilyflower, Reggie and prongs have logged out*

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