CinderFella- part 1

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summary: while in disguise as a commoner, Prince Logan bumps into a young man in the town square

note: based on the rogers and Hammerstein Cinderella

the groups weekly movie night went back to normal after they replaced the broken video system. what they watched was based on whose turn to choose. Romans picks were mostly Disney or some musical. Patton also enjoyed Disney movies but would also sometimes choose a cartoon or a kid friendly episode of an anime.

Logan often picked documentaries that would put the former two to sleep. but oddly enough, Virgil sat through them with some level of interest, seeing as it helped relax him.

one evening, Logan knocked on Patton's door which wasn't even closed fully. Patton welcomed Logan in " greetings Patton," he said with his hands clasped behind his back " I understand that it is my turn to choose the film for this weeks movie night."
" yep, have you picked a movie?"
" actually," he shifted his weight to the other leg. obviously nervous about proposing the question " I remember when you told the story of sleeping beauty. I found the delivery of the story quite innovative." He brought a folder around to the front. " I wished to do the same tonight. I took an original fairy tale and placed us in the story as you did."
Patton's eyes raised in surprise. He would usually be excited. Logan doing something creative. But not wanting to risk Logan backing out he simply said " it must have taken a lot of work Logan, I am highly looking forward to hearing it"
Logan gave the dad figure a small smile then left.

That night when the group gathered for movie night, Roman already seemed over dramatically annoyed " so what topic are you gonna make us watch tonight teach?" He said sprawled across his blue bean bag chair. " should we take notes? in case you want to quiz us later?" he teased
" actually Roman, Logan's going to tell us a story tonight, like I did last month."
" oh great now it's not even a movie it's a lecture."
"Roman be nice, he said it was a fairy tale, and were all in it, right Logan?"
"That is correct. I've decided to do the story of Cinderella."
" you better have not made the the princess again in the story." Virgil warned, still sore about his participation in Patton's tale. " I assure you Virgil, your role is much more respectable." He flipped open the clear cover of his folder Ro the first page and methodically began to read.

In a far away kingdom, there lived a boy named Patton with his mother. They had a perfectly adequate life. The mother would make fine clothes for her son out of the best fabrics she bought in the market while Patton watched the shows the street performers put on in the square. Patton went through his childhood without no good thing. One day while in the market, the mother bumped into a tall man who wore a yellow brimmed bowler hat and matching gloves. He also wore fine clothing. The man had two twin boys that were about Patton's age.
His mother met with the man Janus often in the square while Patton played with the twins Roman and Remus.
They fell in love and soon were married. For a while all was well. Until Patton's mother fell ill. Since she was to sick to do more than stay in bed, Patton was often by her side, telling her about his day or singing for her, something she often requested.
One night it was Patton was sitting with his mother, she reached out and Patton gripped her hand. " my dear son. I don't have much time left with you. I regret so much that I won't be able to see what a fine man I'm sure you'll become."
Patton blinked the oncoming tears away ' you gotta be strong pat' "ill be okay mama, we'll all be fine."
"One last piece of advice for you, try to always be kind like I know you are. Let the best parts of you shine through. That way you'll find happiness."
He nodded. " will you sing for me?" Patton brought her hand to his lips and kissed it before he began to sing for his mother for the last time.

(7 years later)
Patton hurried through the marketplace, trying to see around the piles of packages and boxes full of clothes his step father and brothers bought. Since his mother died, they changed immediately. After the funeral Janus made Patton give up his bedroom so the twins wouldn't have to share one. " it's better for everyone, there would be less noise, less fighting." But that left Patton without a room. He ended up making a makeshift mattress out of a burlap sack stuffed with hay.
The three also often made Patton do most if not all of the housework, leaving him tired at the end of the day. He would pick pieces of their leftover dinner, some bread and cheese and share it with the mice he kept as his friends. His only friends. It was the only time he had to himself. Most times he would end up crying himself to sleep. But he remembered his mother's last words to be kind. It helps him through each day, believing it would somehow help him find happiness.
Patton was ripped from his thoughts when he was almost run over by a carriage pulled by horses. But a stranger had pulled him out of the way just in time. But in all the commotion, he dropped his boxes.
The stranger, who wore a blue vest and black pressed pants helped Patton pick everything up " just like those royal's isn't it? Not caring if they're in anybody's way. Are you alright" He said, helping him up with the bulk of the boxes
" I'm sure they were going somewhere important." He said wistfully. " my name's Patton."
"Patton, a very unique name. I like it. I'm-"
A harsh voice echoed from behind them making Patton whip around. Janus, trailed by Remus and Roman stood up the hill.
"I have to go. Thank you for your help." He carefully raced up the incline and out of sight. He heard harsh words being thrown at the young boy as they disappeared. He sighed as he got in the carriage that waited a block away.

Ten minutes later prince Logan was walking quickly through the palace, surrounded by a flurry of servants trying to fix his appearance, pulling his arms through a dark blue coat that held a pin that bared the royal insignia. He also changed the thin wire glasses he wore for a pair of darker pewter frames. Logan, feeling frustrated shooed the rabble away as they neared the kings study, his advisor and honestly he'd say his only friend Virgil continued to not pick at his outfit for dust and dirt.
" you really have to stop doing this your highness. Going out in the local populace without protection, it's dangerous. I'd loose my head if something were to happen."
Virgil had always been a little over anxious about Logan's safety.
" but it's such a thrill. Being out there, no one has a clue of who I am, I'm perfectly safe. It's the one time I feel I can breathe."

The guard at the door opened it for Logan and he entered the large room. His father, king Thomas was sitting at a table playing a chess game with no opponents. " that way, I can't loose if I'm playing myself." He often would say. The queen Valerie stood over a scroll on the desk. When she heard the door open she turned and embraced her son." Logan, your father and I were discussing you."
Thomas sat back " your mother was talking, I was listening."
Valerie gave him a dirty look.
Logan picked up the scroll once he understood its contents he sighed " another ball, mother? This is the fourth one you've thrown this year."
Thomas stood at the queens side. " what your mother was trying to say, is we think it's time you settled down and got married.

Logan dropped the scroll back on the table " I know I have responsibilities to the kingdom, but this feels forceful. Love doesn't just appear out of nowhere as if we were in some fairy tale."
Queen Valerie had dismissed their words and continued discussing the planning. Logan rolled his eyes and left muttering "...haven't heard a word I said."

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