Hi there!

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Hi there everybody It's me suction cup man!LOOK AT ME GO!this story is gonna be about me and a person called Y/N I've never met them before but I'd be glad to meet them one day*chuckles* just kidding they sound like a bitch anyways here are the rules for this story!

1:NO SEX OR SMUT!I don't do that shit here!

2:do we take requests-Fuck yeah we do!comment anything you want fuck nuts!

3:don't even THINK about putting anything about me and business dummy fucking or having sex or shit!we don't like it alright?!

And finally 4:Y/N goes by any pronouns so give them any gender and any design bitch!me and the creator gives no fu-
What the fuck how did you get in my office!
Oh I used the front door how do you think dumb ass?!
Get the fuck out!
Wait can i type one more thing?
Ugh fine...
Hi guys business dummy is a bitch and he once jumped out of a window to knock me off his tower but also thanks for reading this chapter and part 1 will probably be posted tomorrow so bye dick suckers!
-suction cup man~

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