The prank(that failed)

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*2 weeks later*
You and SCM(your nickname for him)we're getting pretty close I'd say your friends even better BEST friends!He comes around at least once or twice a day while your at work to see how you are and to mostly mess around with your boss(Mr business) but you have your times he once even let you use his suction cups to climb up your office walls.You thought it was actually pretty cool but let's get to the book shall we?

It was about 2:15 in the afternoon and you and SCM was chatting in your office about future plans with messing with Mr dickhead or your boss should we say.
'What if we just fill his room with suction cups?'-Y/N
'Nah it's to risky besides he'd definitely know it was me then'-SCM
'Yeah I guess your right'-Y/N
You place your hand on your chin trying to think of any ideas to mess with him.Until it hit you
'What if we prank him by covering his windows with pieces of paper saying 'bitch!'-Y/N
'Hmmm I guess I could try that...sure why not he's gonna end up starting WW3'-SCM
You laughed extremely hard at that for no reason maybe you just thought it was funny but meh.
You looked at SCM to see he was smiling at you.
'Your happy 😆'-Y/N
'Yeah I'm just thinking of the face he'll pull when he sees all the papers!'-SCM
'We'll then I'll start writing them now'-Y/N
You walked over to you desk and grabbed a LOT and I mean A LOT!of pieces of paper and started writing 'BITCH!'all over them.

SCM walked over to the side of you and watched you write them down over your shoulder.
'Could you do something for me while you wait?'-
'Um okay sure what ya need?'-SCM
'Can you go distract him I don't want him walking in on me writing these'-Y/N
'Sure thing look at me go!'-SCM
He grabbed his suction cups and climbed up your windows to The dickheads office out of no where you heard-
'Get the FUCK of my tower!'
You laugh at this and go back to writing.
*1 hour later*
'Hey um so good news and some bad news'-SCM
'Okay what's the bad news?'-Y/N
'He might of uh...jumped out his window...'-SCM
'Wait a minute...WHAT?!'-Y/N
You walked over to the window and looked down to the ground floor to see The dickheads body smashed into a car?!
'Do you know what this means?!'-Y/N
'Nope 0-0'-SCM
'Your probably wanted by the police!'-Y/N
'Oh fuck oh shit shit shit!'-SCM
'Ughhhhhhh...what did you say to him...'-Y/N
'He said he was gonna plunge his way over to me but failed and I did warn him but he did it anyway and now he might be dead...'-SCM
'Okay first question-do the police know where you live?'-Y/N
'Fuck sake you can live with me...and second question-what's in your bag?'
'Oh it's not a bag it's a parachute dumbass'-SCM
'Wait what?!'-Y/N
'Here I'll show you'-SCM
He grabbed your hand and ran towards the window.
'Wait what are you doing?!'-Y/N
And just like that you and him jumped out the window.His parachute opened and you both flew over the city and over the highway.
'Okay thanks for warning me dickhead!'-Y/N
'Whatever scaredy-cat!'-SCM

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