New Home💢💚⚠️

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Hello everyone before you read this story the warnings are
Self Harm
Eating disorder
If you do not want to read please go on ❤⚠️ Thank you
1195 words
As I sat down in the corner of my Dark bed room I hear a knock at my door and know its Supper time.
You already know he was gonna come home drunk and hit you aggressively and go to bed yeah that's my daily routine wake up school online eat 2 meals a day sometimes 1 sometimes none...

Although when you home your locked up in chains yes I said that chains
It's not okay but you cant do anything about it,Sometimes dad likes to take me out of my what I call Satan's chains' and let me go outside well dont mean it by outside its basically a big glass dome in the back of the house,there is a garden and a swing that's basically the only thing I play or can play with.
He blames everything on me Because my mother left him after she told him she was cheating on him.
He would always threaten to shoot me,and he would always compare me to My mother.
But forget all about that tonight we dont give a fuck.

"Father" you said scared
"WHAT DO YOU WANT IM BUSY"he said clearly mad
"Can I stay out in the garden tonight"
"Dont fucken pull some bullshit on me tonight"
And then he left the keys with you and left ...

"Just wait 10 more minutes then I can escape from hell"

10 min later you see him leaving
Just trying to pop your head a little more up

You crawled over to the key and unlocked it
You pack your bag as fast as you could
Anything you could think of
But the last think you couldn't forget was the pink bunny your dad bought you when you were A newborn.

And with that you run downstairs to the guest room
That was the only room father never looks in so if he never does then he wouldn't see the window unlocked
But before you went there you went to the kitchen and grabbed all the glass Kitchenware and smashed it all over the floor just so when he takes his shoes off he can feel the pain I've been feeling for the last 8 years.

I walk away from the kitchen with a chair and I run into the room with my bag and chair and lock the door and block it with the chair.
I walk over to the window and unlock it without hesitation I climb out and jump onto the floor closing the window and super glueing it shut.
And run towards the gates.

As I got to the gates I punch in the number to let me out since I dont have the chip
His birthday huh what a monster
Who only cares about himself

The gate door opens and I run over to the door and push and it felt like 15 pounds of sand off my shoulders
I was about to cry of relief but then I see 2 Shining headlights coming towards the drive way and I run to hide by the nearest car which was the neighbors car.
And I saw my dad come out,maybe he forgot somth-
"I gotta go" I whispered to myself
And when I said that I meant it
I'm all alone in the middle of Seoul and dont know where to go so I run to the nearest gas station about 6 minutes from where I'm at so I jet to it as fast as I can.

I enter and run over to the noodle section
*dont worry I stole 500k from it...... okay well more like the whole safe and put it into my drawstring bag*

But as soon as I got there I hear a bell ring and I see out of the crook of my eye my father buying a pack of cigarettes-
That's when I run to the back of the coffee machine and sit by it
Then I hear the bell ring again he left...
Then I buy noodle,sandwich,jelly,and a cup of coffee*😉Johnny

I walk over to a place in the city Where you can take your shoes off and put your feet in and relax
And set my food down and finish it

15 min later
"You okay ?" You hear a soft baritone voice say
"Huh" you turn but feel your cheeks wet from just thinking and you respond back
"I-I think I am"you say scares cause he sits next to you and says
"Hey I know what your going through I work for the child protection program and I'm here to pick you up a store clerk called me to follow you and check up on you"
"Thank you but I'm reall-"
"If you need a place to stay you can always stay at mine y/n"
"Well your in our missing child book"
"Oh" you say breathless
"Come on let me take you home"
"SO sorry I meant uhm mine"
He says
"I uh"
"Trust me I'm not like your father"
"Oh okay"
Then you both left

You were sitting in his couch when he brought you a cup of wine
"How old are you sir"
"Your pretty young"
"Yeah and dont call me sir call me Jaehyun" he looks up from his cup and smiles at you giving you the dimples too
"You know my age ?"
"Uhm I havent looked yet bu-"
"I'm 20 and i dont think i need you to baby sit me"you both laughed and the whole night you both got to know each other
You fell asleep in the guest bedroom and jaehyun came in to give you a blanket you were so cute to his mind and he took your arm off the pillow and tucked you but saw blood coming from your arms and he ran to get the first aid.
He wispers to himself
"I'm gonna love you until I die"
And after that night the next 2 years later your father was Put in prison for life and Jaehyun was there to fight for you the whole entire time.
One night you and Jaehyun confessed your love for each other and a began a couple
"Dear Jaehyun when we first met I would never have thought you were there to help me after that night you pulled me from the dark all of those cuts are scars of love now and your the most important person in my life till death I love you Jung Jaehyun.

The End ?

I wanna beat the shjtt out of that dad but yea that night he Did cut himself on the glass and called the police to find you 🤨😕
Anyways the shit in jail and daddy jaehyun helped 🙄❤

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