Ex Husband 💕

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You and Jaehyun divorced right after you had the baby and when you got home everything that was his he took.It room some time to get used to and you've cried trying to sleep but you thank the blessing that you have, Someone who you can finally love.

5 months later
You got invited to
Renjuns wedding and of course it's both of your friend so you decide to show up anyway.

You wear a pretty creme long dress that opens by the knee down
With a baby bag,Baby carrier and your baby girl wearing baby white floral dress that has tiny pink flowers on it and a cute white headband with the same flowers on the dress but as a gem on the front.
You enter the venu and it was Beautiful
Fairy lights hanging over the ceiling
Pretty flowers In the isle.Butterfly lights hanging down from the ceiling.
It looks way different from you and Jaehyun's wedding
"Hey y/n" the man behind you says softly
"Hii Renjunn oh my God my baby boy is growing all up" you hug him and he laughs
"I'm so proud of you renjun I really am and please don't be like me" you say and he agrees
"Thank you for coming you mean the whole world to me and this baby"
He lifts up the blanket and sees jun wide awake
"Hi junn" renjun holds her hand
"Well I gotta go okay" then he leaves and the baby was getting hungry so you try to find a place to breast feed
But you had nowhere plus you dont want to be disrespectful and do it in the venue and you you turn around to see jaehyun coming into the doors swinging his car keys
"Jae" you say and he looks your way checking you out
And walking towards you
"Hi Y/N what's up and how my baby"
"Can I just breast feed in your car please it's the only place private plus the bathroom is not quiet"
"Sure let me take the baby" then you give the carrier to him and walk out to the car with him
"Your windows are tinted right"
You say and pick jun up
"Yep" he says and helps you by sitting in the back to cover just in case
While your breast feeding he asks you
"Have you found anyone yet ?"
"Not at the moment Hyun I'm to busy trying to cope with everything"
You say
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Its fine"you make eye co the to reassure
After 10 minutes you guys enter the venue again and Go your seprate ways for now

You were waiting for Jisung to come out so he could drive you and Jun home when Jaehyun offers a ride
"Are you waiting for someone ?" He says and Picks up his baby Girl
"Yea I'm waiting for jisung" you say and jisung comes out
"Y/n you rea- oh what up Jaehyun" then he shakes his hand
"Um unlock you car door I have to Get the baby set up please"you say to Jisung and you walk to the car
"Oh I'll take them dont worry Ji"
Jaehyun says
"Are you sure ?" He says
"Yea I'm sure"
"So how have things going in between you guys lately ?"jisung says
"Its-it's been going good I guess ? You can say I dont know I just miss my baby"he says and you come back
"Let's go"you say
"Your going with me" Jaehyun says and walks to jisungs car with the baby to grab the carseat
"HE SAID IT"he surenderd "bit are you fine with it ?" He says
"Yeah as long as the drive home is quiet and shits not weird we'll be fine" you say and hug Jisung
Meanwhile Jaehyun is constantly looking back at you two talking feeling jelly.

The drive is about almost and hour and a half away so it would take a long time.
"Y/n"he says
"Yeah" Y
"To be honest...Would you ever take me back ?"he says mot taking his eyes off the road while your in the back thinking
"I would but you know it was just right person wrong time but we still have somthing to connect together which is our child"you say and he just Nods
"Soo... what if I take you out again,I want to be In my daughter's life and even if it means sleeping in a different room even anything I will just like to watch my daughter grow with me next to her" he says
"I don't mind"you giggle
"Yessss" he whispers

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