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"Davina...seriously?" my boyfriend asked as he rolled his eyes and unlinked his arm from mine.

"What? I thought we could watch a kids movie. You don't thing it's a good idea?" I asked as I pouted.

"It's a horrible idea. We're on a date. What couple do you know goes to the movies to watch a kids movie for a date?" He said.

As much as I loved my boyfriend Josh, he really got on my nerves. We haven't been on a date in months, and as soon as we do he's mad about a movie? Like, seriously? It's kind of hard being in a relationship where the boy gets mad at everything, and says stuff totally uncalled for. And I'm not being dramatic, trust me. We've been taking a couple of breaks here and there because we get mad at each other. Of course we get back together, but now that I think about it, it gets somewhat tiring. It also sounds toxic, but...I can't deny that I have feelings for the guy. We've been together since junior year. We're seniors now in highschool. When we first met, we were madly in love. Now it's like...our relationship is on and off. I just hope this time that we are together, we can be okay.

"Come on, it'll be great. Can't you be happy with me for once?" I told him crossing my arms together.

"Of course I can, don't be like that. It's just that you chose a kids movie. It could have been better."

I nodded. "Okay, maybe you're right. But still, it'll be cute to watch Josh."

He sighed and then finally nodded. "Okay, fine. Let's go inside."

I squealed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!"

He gave me a slight smile and rolled his eyes. I'm pretty sure he tried to hide that, but I saw it anyway.

As we walked in the cinema, we waited in line to grab our tickets I payed for online. Yeah. I payed for both of us. I'm the one who pays the most in the relationship. I mean...most of the time I don't mind, because Josh has parents who don't give him allowance. He also doesn't have a job even though he's eighteen. Me on the under hand, I told my parents to stop paying me allowance because I started working as a waiter at a restaurant. I like to make my own money.

"Here are your tickets, ma'am." The kind man said as he handed us our tickets. "Would you like popcorn, snacks or any slushy drinks for the movie?"

My eyes got big and I smiled. "Yes please. I'd love a cherry slushie and a-"

As soon as I was going to order a large popcorn, Josh pulled my waist and gave a nod to the man as the man waited for my answer.

"No sorry, we don't want anything. Thanks." Josh said as he kept pulling me out of there and into the theater. I finally stopped him as I pushed his hand off of me. It took me a while because he had a grip.

"What the hell, Josh! I wanted snacks." I told him slightly yelling as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Do you really want to be spending more money? I did you a favor, Davina."

I gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about? It wasn't even that much. Besides, money is for spending. I earned it by working hard. I could have bought something if I wanted to."

He shook his head and looked down. "Well I also saved you from gaining weight."

I gave my boyfriend a sad look as he kept looking down at his comment. How could he say that? Was there something wrong with my body or something? I just felt kind of attacked. Why is he trying to 'save' me from gaining weight?

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