chapter 1- baka

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as you walked into the empty classroom, you hoped it would be empty with nobody there yet so that you could listen to mitski and my chemical romance without being bothered. 

but instead, you spotted a girl. she was clumsily picking up all the books. you walk up to her and leaned down helping her pick up her dropped books. she was so cute... she wore a baby pink skirt, a small white top, and anime knee-high socks. you helped her pick up all her books until there was only one piece of paper folded in four. as you went to pick it up her hand touched yours... you both looked up into each other's eyes.  both of your hands rested on the paper with your fingers touching. 

suddenly, a tall boy walked into the classroom and looked at both of you. he was your former bully. he was the one that made you so emo and depression.... 

- HAHAHA 2 lovebirds are together! ... oooh and what's this piece of paper you guys are holding on to? He joked as he walked towards us. 

He picked up the piece of paper you and her were holding so quickly you guys didn't have the time to react. He started unfolding it. the girl ran towards him and jumped up and down like a child trying to reach the paper.  

- I-I'm so sh-sh-short... I-I- can't reach the p-p-paper... the girl stuttered as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear 

you hesitated but you walked up to him and punched him straight in the face. he dropped the paper belonging to the girl and ran away in horror screaming as he should. 

-th-th-thank you so much... I'm so small and so w-weak... you protected me....  she said as she looked up at you through her cat ears that rested on top of her head and were slowly drooping down

- what was on that paper that was so important anyway? you asked as you pushed back up her cat ears 

-I'm just so different from other girls... I don't feel like I belong anywhere... so I write down all my thoughts on paper... I think I'm just... quirky. I-I d-d-don't expect y-you to understand... I'm just a sm-small po-potato. she explained shyly, fixing her cute cat girl headband 

  •       •       •

later that night, while you were lying in bed you thought about her. you couldn't get her out of your head. you related to her so much. just like her, you felt you never belonged and you also often wrote your thoughts on little pieces of paper... you felt so sad, depressed and emo all the time. 

you dreamt of her that night... you felt as though maybe you loved her... could that be? it was almost love at first sight... you were a little confused because you hadn't felt any love since your hamster died. after that, you always felt unloved. you became gloomy and you felt as though you were viewed as the mysterious guy in your class and you never had friends because the death of your hamster left you unable to socialize. the former bully that had picked on the girl today was also a cause of this unfortunate event... 

oh! and you never even got her name.... you felt as though the term "baka" suited her well. that's what you would call her from now on... that is, if you ever see her again

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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