Chapter I

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Almost seven months past our union into becoming man and woman, I have adjusted to living at Pemberly slowly, so as I sit down in the breakfast room, my husband walks in and follows me and we begin our conversation about some upcoming business regarding his.

"Mr.Darcy, pray when is your return from London?" I inquire while helping myself to my tea.

"If made with haste, should take no longer than a fortnight Mrs.Darcy." Despite being married just a few days short of seven months, it feels good to be referred to as 'Mrs.Darcy', by others and my beloved alike.

"Well, you better make haste otherwise I will be terribly vexxed. Jane cannot be spared for she is of too weak a constitution to travel to Pemberly and my Aunt Gardiner is occupied and I hate being left alone to my own amusement." I reply with an annoyed but playful huff.

"So pray, make haste Mr.Darcy, I pity your return after too long a journey-- to see me in such a state! Indeed, what a sight that shall be." I playfully add on.

"Then I better depart my dear, you shall expect me back at Pemberly soon, and indeed do not pity my return because it is already the salvation I wait for. My business in London is terribly dull and I am afraid, Mrs.Elizabeth Darcy, you never are, so no matter how you tease me with your words, I shall miss you every moment we are apart. I will write as often as is allowed, however I will be much occupied, even if it is a dull business."

From the seven months of living together in Pemberly and being joined in the union of marriage, Mr.Darcy and I both have influenced each other in manner of speaking, general constitution and habbits, a noticeable change in my husband is his willingness to accept and partake in teasing, jokes and banter. Much more relaxed, he is able to express fondness and disdain through a joking manner that makes me much more at ease and feel like I am at Longbourn again occasionally.

"Indeed, I suppose I must pity all those deprived of my company. How vexxing a thought indeed, because if that is true, I must visit Mr.Collins soon." I add with an eye roll.

"Aye, Madam, indeed it does. However, unfortunately I do not possess the same gift as you, so I am crestfallen to report I do not need to join you. Take comfort in knowing however Mr.Collins entertains you in company of his society, he shant dare to have you accompany him on his way to see Lady Catherine, which fortunately for you occupies most of his time outside the church. Indeed, your society would only be spent on Mrs.Collins." Mr.Darcy observes in a clever but a joking, relaxed, manner.

"Indeed, I do miss Charlotte and it would be pleasing to the both of us if I saw her soon again." I admit.

"However--my dear, I of all people do not wish to be in the society of Lady Catherine again, however it is necessary to admit, our avoiding her Ladyship is awkward, and is awkward for my ever so beloved cousin and my friend. Not to mention by extension the rest of my family, however I do not think she should have the privledge of their society after how she spoke so abomdinably of them." I add on bitterly.

"You are correct Lizzy, I cannot avoid Lady Catherine and also do not wish to avoid her society anymore than I used to, she is my aunt and maintains a close connection to your friend who's society you deeply cherish, along with the man who will inherit your father's estate on his passing. Whether we do it in good spirits, or in vexxing constitutions, we indeed need to mend the issue regarding Lady Catherine, for our sake as well as our families."

"Indeed, and thank you for acknowledging and honouring that fact, even if we would both rather forget Mr.Collins, he indeed does effect my family a great deal and I simply cannot change that." I confess truthfully.

Whenever my husband thinks of me, teases me, references the needs of Charlotte, Jane or another member of my family, it warms my heart and makes me feel I have butterflies in my stomach. That pride that had once made him so abhorently disgusting to me, now actively reccomends itself to my needs and comfort in order to protect and maintain it.

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