Chapter 4: The Conspiracy

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Menagerie 10:30 p.m. a few hours after sending Jaune home

It was a peaceful quiet night at Menagerie the home island of the Faunus and its residents are sleeping peacefully at their homes 

But somewhere hundreds of miles away from the faunus population is not peaceful as 2 DNAliens were thrown and impacted against a giant stone creating a crack on the stone causing them to go unconscious 

The one responsible walking towards is Tetrax with his helmet on looking at the DNAliens that he threw 

A laser was shot pass him and he turned around and saw a few dozen DNAliens with their blasters aiming at him and shot at him causing him to duck and roll towards a big rock for him to use as a shield he grabbed his blaster and aimed at the DNAliens and shot a few energy blast then duck behind avoiding the lasers

It kept going like this until Tetrax grabbed something from his belt and on his hand is a black metal sphere the size of a tennis ball he pressed the red button on top and threw towards the DNAliens 

The sphere landed at the DNAliens causing to halt their assault and looked at the sphere until it unleash a bright flashing light blinding temporarily and screeching in surprise 

Tetrax immediately charged and shot his energy blaster at them managing to hit three DNAliens and he punched a DNAlien that he saw knocking it unconscious and he then side kicked the other one in the head and morphed his hand into a diamond hammer and whacked the other one in the gut and whacked it in the face knocking it out he flipped to the last DNAlien and knee kicked it in the gut and then uppercut it with his enhanced strength a few feet away in the air and roughly landed on the ground with its back knocking it unconscious 

He looked at his surrounding and saw the DNAliens all knocked out and injured from his attack and then ran towards what he thought their base could be located 

After he went a figure landed and looked at the DNAliens and growled  "Pathetic a group of DNAliens couldn't handle a single lower lifeform" 

The being that landed was a Highbreed and just any Highbreed but the same one that gave Adam and the white fang the weapons Paraks

Back to Tetrax he kept running in until he saw a cave being guarded by DNAliens with their blasters he quickly hid behind a big sand rock he looked behind to make sure they didn't see him and sure enough they didn't he tapped in some buttons on his glove and he went camo

Back to the DNAliens that are guarding the cave when they heard a sound and they looked and aim their blasters but saw nothing

They both looked at each other and the other gurgled at him telling him to go check it and the other did and went to check it 

As the DNAlien went back to guard the cave it heard the sound of flesh being hit by something hard and a screech he looked and saw the DNAlien he sent to investigate was knocked back

He immediately went to check on him and when he did Tetrax uncloaked in front of him and decked him in the face knocking him out and went towards the cave and entered

Tetrax saw it getting darker in the cave the further he goes so he activated the night vision mode of his suit and ran further inside the cave until "Dead end?"

He looked confused as there was nothing but a wall made of sand stone "No there has to be something here otherwise the DNAliens wouldn't be guarding this cave" he muttered 

He looked around and started searching anything that isn't natural he knocked on the sandstone wall and kept knocking until 


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