Fade in to the Background - A Short Roc Royal Story

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This story was not meant to be put up in the first place. It was just a practice sheet for writing. I really liked the concept myself so I decided to post this on Wattpad. The song that inspired me for this song was " Fade in to the Background" By Ne-Yo. If you listen to the song and read this, there would be a similarity . I hope you guys enjoyed this and please comment and vote :)

* DISCLAIMER : You won't know this right now but as you read you're going to stop along to a Character named Alicia . Now if you read my other Fan Fiction " Love Hurts" the main character's name is Alicia also. They ARE NOT the same character.( I really like that name so I just use that name whenever I'm working on stories that aren't meant to be put up) *

© Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved


I walked into the " Grand Houston" memorial church with bricks weighed down my chest. I didn't know why the hell I planned on watching this but I just want to see that priceless smile on Alicia's face once more, she invited me anyways . Hell, that's all I want to see on my life but again, this is going to be to hard for me to watch. I sat onto the farthest row of the church.

I took in my surroundings whilst taking a seat onto the ebony polished wooden chair. Ladies were gossiping in the front and elders were sitting down, taking a look at the reservation sheets. Others waited patiently and the pastor was merely reading the holy bible. The church was filled with an aroma of roses and doves were caged onto the ceiling. White lace filled the once old, dull church. A long narrow velvet carpet was placed onto the floor with bits of glitter piled on. I tapped my hands onto my thighs in a rapid motion, impatiently. I didn't know what to expect.

Tons of emotions was running through my head. My ex girlfriend was getting married. The problem is, I'm not that lucky guy. I really fucked her over and I regret that very day.

~ Flashback

" Chresanto what is this?!" Alicia exclaimed, stomping in my direction , holding my unlocked iPhone in front of my face. I was in the middle of playing 2K13 and the last thing I want to be bothered with is her pestering right now. Craig gave me the side eye quizzically , noticing my girlfriend's abnormal manner while Ray, was playing as if he didn't hear what was going on.

" What is what?" I sighed, pressing the forward button.

" This!" Alicia pointed to my messages , fuming with anger. I simply rolled my eyes in return .

" they're just text messages Alicia , what is your problem?"

" Chresanto, don't fucking play with me. Look at your phone." She threw my iPhone to my face. That immediate moment I felt like punching her face in, but i was raised better than that. Only weak ass cowards hits their girl. Rubbing the bump that was now forming onto my head, I grabbed my phone to see what Alicia was so heated about. I really had enough of her attitude.

The messages showed texts between Crystal and I. Crystal was my friend with benefit you could say. Whenever things went sour between Alicia and I , I knew who who hit up and and she was that very person. She was my stress reliever cause I couldn't handle my stress any other way. Sometimes I didn't know how to control my anger towards Alicia and I don't want to lash out on her. The Text message read :

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