Part 2.

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Hey guys! sorry it took me so long to upload the next part, i've been thinking about quitting wattpad since I haven't really been active on it and i've honestly just lost interest. Anyhow we'll see what happens, enjoy the chapter!

(Schlatt POV)

I know he didn't remember me, but that dosent matter. Aslong as we're talking it's fine, I need to get closer to him so I can gain a better relationship with him. I love him so much, I wanna feel him, I wanna hear him scream.

(End of POV)

Alex waved his hand infront of Schlatts face, "hello? You alright?" he said. "Oh yeah! I'm alright, anyways.. wanna get a drink this afternoon? Around 5?" Schlatt answered. Alex hesitated at first, but ended up agreeing to go, they were gonna meet up at the coffee shop near the mall. The school bell rang, "I'll see you this arvo" Alex said with a smile, Schlatt nodded and they both went their seperate ways. As Alex was walking back to his house, he noticed a car following him. The walking progressed into speed walking and then shortly into running, the car wouldn't stop following him. He ran into a corner shop that wasn't far from his house, he waited inside until the car left. Just to be sure he stayed at the shop for around 30 minutes, he left the shop and ran to his house. He locked the door behind him, "I'm home mum!" Alex yelled. "She must still be at work, ah well." Alex walked up the stairs and into his room, he fell onto his bed and grabbed out his phone. It was already 4:15, Alex hopped up and started looking through his clothes trying to decide what to wear. He finally found something and got changed out of his shitty school clothes, he fixed his hair and soon enough it was 4:45. Luckily there was a bus he could take to where he and Schlatt were meant to meet, he grabbed his keys, wallet and his phone. He left the house and sped walked to the bus stop, the bus arrived and he hopped on. "Oh weird, i'm the only one here.." he thought to himself, he didn't think anything of it as it was pretty normal. The bus was near where he needed to hop off, he pressed the stop button but when they passed his stop the bus didn't slow down at all. Alex asked the bus driver if he could drop him off here, no response. He walked over to where the bus driver sat, the only problem was, there is no bus driver.

Alex woke up in a rush, it was all a dream? He looked at his phone and it was 4:45, "shut I must've accidentally fallen asleep, somehow..?" he thought nothing of it and got ready. he took the bus and thankfully it actually stopped at the right place, he walked over to the coffee shop just to see Schlatt in there waiting. He quickly checked his phone, it was 5:15. "Shit" Alex whispered to himself. He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath, he walked into the coffee shop and walked over to Schlatt.

HEY GUYSS >:D THIS CHAPTER IS PRETTY SHORT AND IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT- ITS ALSO PRETTY SHIT ASWELL. Anyhow thanks for being so patient! I'll try to post the next chapter sooner then it took me to post this one. The next chapter is just gonna be mainly Schlatts POV. Stay safe all <3

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