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"So how did you two find me anyway?" Dick asked them both, turning his head to look at Jason who was next to him before looking at the girl through the rear view mirror.

"We stalked you for the last four months, watched your every move and boom, now we are here," Adira tells him sarcastically and this even seemed to make a small grin tug on the corner of Dick's lips, though the grin quickly vanished as Jason added the real way that they had found him

"The tracker," Jason said with a hint of amusement, he knew that Dick was supposed to be smart so why couldn't the older 'robin' figure out that it had been the tracker in his arm that had led them to him, though it was clear that Dick had no idea what the boy was talking about so he decided to elaborate a bit further, "in your arm..." Jason explained as if it were the most obvious thing in the world

"There is a fucking tracker in my arm?" Dick spat out, anger and annoyance clear in his voice as the words spilled from his mouth in an aggressive his. Making the already tight tension in the car become a whole lot worse

"Tell me about it, I've cut four of them out already, I think he finally got the hint to stop fucking putting them in me," Adira hissed as her eyes skimmed down to her arms which had two obvious scars on each of them, all of which had been from her cutting her arm open and then digging around until she found the trackers

"I don't see the fucking problem, and you shouldn't of fucking cut your arms open like that," Jason spat at her, worry and sadness clear in his voice, mixed along with the anger that riled up from his throat... an anger that could be quite common from the boy

"Well there is one in mine too..." Jason explains to Dick as he rolls up his sleeve and shows it to the driver who glanced between the road and Jasons arm, "don't you remember him putting it in?"

"No." Dick said and while Jason thought it was odd, and felt the need to defend Bruce, Adira rolled her eyes, it was clear that the man had put the tracker in Dick's arm without his awareness and definitely without his consent.

"Well... maybe you forgot," Jason tried to defend Bruce as well as defuse the rising tension in the car that was slowly beginning to consume them all.

"Or maybe Bruce is just a dick" Adira muttered under her breath as she leaned back into her seat and crossed her arms over her chest, turning her head to look out the car window, watching the buildings as they passed by.

Jason gave her a sad look through the rear view mirror. The girl had trust issues. He had known her for years and he had been one of the few people that she had actually opened up too and trusted, Bruce Wayne however, had not been one of those people, and Adira didn't make an effort to hide it.

Jason let out a small sigh and ducked his head slightly and leaned forwards while looking around at their surroundings through the windshield, looking for a way to change the subject of the current conversation.

"So, where are we going?" Jason asks softly, though the usual chirpiness in his voice hadn't left as he turned his head to look out the side of the car window.

"I gotta find a place to put that guy," Dick tells them both, but this wasn't a good enough answer for either of the twins as they shared a confused look before looking back over to the young adult in the driver seat

"Can I make a suggestion?" Jason asks, his smart-ass grin making its way back onto his face as he turned to look back out the front of the car, his eyes following the buildings as they passed them.

Dick looked conflicted for a few moments before nodding his head, "sure."


They walked into the giant building, all of their eyes trailing over the amazing interior design of the building and the fascinating, expensive cars, new modern tech and polished wood furnishing that made the place look more than perfect.

"According to Bruce, the design of this place is inspired by Frank Lloyd," Jason explains as if he were an expert on the place, though he did seem to pay attention to the stuff like this, just not the rules that batman tended to tell him... but they were street kids, since when did they follow rules?

"Wright," Dick corrected the boy, though Jasons dumb ass didn't pick up on it, he just nodded his head

"I know right?" Jason said with an impressed grin on his face

"No dumbass, the dude's name was Frank LLoyd Wright," Adira told Jason with a cheeky grin on her face as he slung his shoulder around her shoulder and pulled her into his side

"Whatever Addy.... anyways the dude is really into lines and shit," Jason said with a grin on his face as he once more allowed his eyes to dance along the architecture, "Bruce has a bunch of places like this. He calls them safe houses but they are more like condos. Never been to one..." Jason says, though it was clear that he was very excited to be able to go into this one, as if he had been waiting all day for this.

"You'll love it," Dick says and gives the teens small smiles before walking up to the eye scanner that allows people to enter, he allowed it to scan his eye, but much to his surprise the light flashed red instead of green and he was told that he wasn't allowed to enter.

Adira felt a sudden sympathy for the man in front of her, it was as if Batman had forgotten all about him, or just completely excluded him. Sure, Dick had cursed at Bruce, flipped him off and left him behind to start his new life, but he was still Bruce's son.

"I got this," Jason says, also feeling sympathetic but also guilty, though nobody would be able to tell from the blank, almost amused expression that he was wearing on his face as he brushed past dick and stood up near the eye scanner, allowing the machine to scan his eye before turning red and reading 'access granted' 

"Guess he changed the locks," Jason said and turned his head to look at Dick, a smug grin tugging on his lips before he walked into the house first, leaving Dick and Adira behind. Adira let out a small sigh before walking up behind the man and placing a hand on his shoulder

"Don't take it to heart man, Bruce can be a dick, I've learnt to just ignore it and just go with it," Adira said and pat him on the back, "and hey, if you want, I could hack into the bat system and add you in." 

Dick couldn't stop the small grin tuggin on the corner of his lips as he looked at the teenage girl in amusement, "I don't think Bruce would be too happy with you if you did that."

"Bruce is never happy with me, I'm pretty sure he only keeps me around to keep Jason in line." Adira says and shrugs her shoulder before taking her hand off his back and going to make her way inside. She hesitates before stopping and turning her head to face him one last time, "It really is an honour to meet you though Dick Grayson... and even if you think Bruce doesn't care about you... he does."

Dick didn't say anything as he watched the teen turn back around and walk inside the condo, leaving him there. A small sigh fell from the mans lips as he shook his head to himself and then walked in behind her.

I'm with you - Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now