We just had to be patient

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Prompt by kaw1Elam:

A story when Henry and Catherine were young . Some special time with the children(a picnic, at a lake...) or when Catherine is pregnant


The French queen blinked her eyes as the sounds of her children woke her. She smiled blearily as she watched them run towards the sofa she was sat upon.

"Careful! Your Maman is tired and needs her rest."

They stopped and stood in front of their mother, watching her expectantly.

"It's alright my dears, come join me."

"Their nanny is coming to get them soon so it shouldn't be too long, they wanted to say goodnight though."

The queen hummed as she watched her husband walk towards her and round the back of the sofa, leaning on the back of it with his arms, pressing a kiss to her neck.

"How was your day?"

The children began to animatedly recount their day and its activities as their parents watched them, smiles blooming on their faces.

"And then we had lunch by the lake..."

"Papa took us swimming afterwards."

"Can you come next time?"

The queen's smile faded slightly as she looked into her children's pleading eyes, tucking a lock of loose blonde hair behind her son's ear.

"No sweetheart, not for a while yet."

"But why?"

This time her husband answered as he leaned further forward, crossing is arms over her chest and gently placing his head on hers.

"Remembered I said that your Mama has a baby in her tummy. She's not able to come out so much, your little brother or sister makes her tired."

They nodded and the eldest placed his hand on his mother's stomach.

"Can the baby hear us?"

The blonde smiled at her son, humming an approval.

"Hello. We're your big brothers, we'll see you soon. Maybe you can come out with us and we can all have a picnic as a family."

The queen sighed as the child shifted under her son's hand.

"Does that not hurt mama."

She shook her head.

"No, it just tickles a bit."


She lifted a hand to once again move a curl out of her sons face and tucked it behind his ear.

"Did Papa show you how to make your own small boats and race them today?"

The boys shook their heads, a glimmer of disappointment showing on their faces.

"Papa said we should wait until you can join us."

"He said you would want to do it with us."

"He's quite right."

"So I am, small princes should not learn to sail without their mothers by their side."

"So, you would make me take on the duty of first mate instead of enjoying the trip out to sea?"

The queen raised an eyebrow in mock disapproval as she felt the rumble of her husband's chuckle against her neck.

"It will be the biggest adventure ever Mama!"

"And our brother or sister can come with us!"

"I'm sure they can."

A knock sounded at the door and the children's nanny was announced by one of the guards as the family all cosied close together. They said goodnight and watched the children toddle out with their nanny in their wake.

"Come to bed my dear. You look worn out."

The queen leaned back and smiled as her husband stood in front of her.

"Do I have to?"

"I would say no but your back will say yes tomorrow."

"Help me up then."

The king took a firm grip of her arms and helped her stand, pulling her to him and holding her close. She leant into him, savouring his warmth as much as her swollen stomach would allow her to. She felt her dress loosen as the strings that held it at the back were undone and shivered as the air hit her skin when it slid off her onto the floor, leaving her in a thin shift.

"Come on, the duvet will be warm."

She nodded and let him lead her to the awaiting blankets. He pulled the covers back and helped her onto the bed.


"I'm here."

He climbed in beside her, leaning down to kiss her.


She laughed as he pressed kisses across her face and neck and shoulders, taking his time to kiss her gently on the cheek before he rolled onto his back beside her and she interlaced her fingers with his. She shifted in her place and sighed once again as the child in her stomach moved and gave her a kick.

"Does it really not hurt you?"

She smiled up at her husband who had turned on his side, propping himself up with one hand and holding the other one close to her as though asking permission to touch her. She took it gently, placing it where she could feel the heel of their unborn son or daughter.

"It's uncomfortable, sometimes extremely so, and it stops me from sleeping at times, but doesn't hurt."

A gentle smile came across the kings' face as he traced patterns across her skin.

"I feel like I was in a trance through your last pregnancies and now am only beginning to realise how you must feel."

"You know more than most husbands. In fact, I'm sure it's a scandalous amount of knowledge for any noble let alone the king of France to know."

They both smiled once more as the babe kicked, almost like it wanted to join their conversation.

"Just think, soon there will be another set of tiny feet running around the castle in pursuit of their older siblings."

"So many children when it seemed that at a time, we could have none."

"We just had to be patient."

"Mm, I suppose."

"Go to sleep now. If our child is as troublesome as to keep you awake you will need as much sleep as you can get before that happens."

"I suppose."

"Goodnight Catherine."

"Goodnight Henry." 

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