Chapter 11

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The iron skewer fell into the fireplace.

It was because Taehyung loosened his hand and dropped it.

He was gazing at her as if possessed.

There was one thing Lisa did not know.

It would not be wrong to say that Taehyung is a sadist.

However, he just likes to scare people.

He loved watching things that could be killed with one hand trembled in terror or stood up.

So, Taehyung actually did not really mean to hurt Rosé.

He was just curious about Lisa’s reaction.

Besides, it was also to scare a newbie who does not really know anything in this kind of field that they are in.

What will Lisa do when her loved one is in danger, and would she respond to whether he kills people next to her or breaks a wall away?

Taehyung wondered—would she be terrified?

Or, would she just tremble and watch the iron skewer get closer to Rosé’s hand?

Among the numerous hypotheses, there was no such thought that Lisa would take the initiative and stop Taehyung on her own.

A slightly distorted expression due to nervousness, though, still maintaining a dull expression, nonetheless.

‘How can a person be so…’

Wouldn’t it be wrong to say… lovely?

Taehyung smiled broadly and finally opened his mouth.

“It is a joke, Lisa.”

Hearing that, Lisa blew wind out of her lips and made a sound.

“Are you playing with me?”

“You know how often I play pranks like this.”

In the past, Taehyung used to scare Lisa quite often.

Hence, it was simply for his fun.

Well, the reason, of course, was that he wanted to see her terrified face.

Since she would always look at him with an expressionless face every time.

Just like a little while ago.

In fact, Taehyung’ pranks like this were, obviously, limited to Lisa, though he lied naturally.

‘I would only do that to her.’

And, the lie worked very well for Lisa.

‘Would he just do that to everyone?’

At this point, she does not know from where to where is a joke, or sincerity.

At least, it really seemed like he was trying to kill Rosé in the office earlier.

‘Is this really… a joke?’

Lisa gently released Taehyung’s wrist, not removing her suspicions.

She thought that once he put that iron skewer down, it would not be that dangerous anymore.

“Well, please do not lie like that.”

Nevertheless, there was one more person who had yet fallen for the lies of Taehyung.

Rosé was, again, in tears.

Because of that Lisa came up with the thought that she should call her eyes a faucet in the future.

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