Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Taking another swift turn, he parked outside the home he has spent half of his younger years and his most favorable company was sleeping right beside him

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Taking another swift turn, he parked outside the home he has spent half of his younger years and his most favorable company was sleeping right beside him. It was the same all over ten years back when they used to come back to her place after a long day in school and she used to doze off in the backseat. He used to stare at her all the time, trying to figure out the little girl who kept him on his toes back then and the woman who irritates all his brain cells now. She was the reason he spends more hours in that hospital than he originally planned to when three years back his father handed over the hospital chains to him.

The same year, this crazy doctor joined the hospital as an intern and now has climbed up as one of the best ER specialists. The kind of risks this woman takes with skipping paperwork was yet to reach the board as he covered all her trails with help of the Head nurse, Arefa, and other doctors who do the tasks when the crazy doctor Sana Qureshi is busy saving lives.

The girl was a headache to him, one he can never think of getting rid of.

"Sana, wake up!" He shook her hard and being the light sleeper, she jolted awake immediately.

Her sleepy eye glare had stopped affecting him long, long back but she still tries using it on him. Blinking exaggeratedly, he stepped out and opened her side door.

"Your bed is calling, don't wanna go inside sleepyhead?" he gestured towards the door and she nodded half-awake. Trudging up towards the steps, he felt the need to call her again and tease her a little when given a chance because once this crazy head was back in consciousness, she won't give a second for him to speak. She can keep speaking for eternity. Chatterbox.

"Sana" she turned, raising a brow in question "Don't come like a zombie tomorrow. Dress up a little, the usual woman your age does," he yelled behind her and she rolled her eyes.

She was the same age as his if the 10 months gap between his and her date of birth is ignored. Their families became acquainted because her father started working along with Zohar Adami, his father as the chief architect for their first hospital chain. The friendship which grew between the two men roped in their wives and their children. Sana was the youngest between three siblings and the same age that of Mudassar when they started school together, She was once shy but now she had turned into the exact opposite of the girl he had left back 9 years back. They had become quick friends, turning into best friends at the age of 10 until he left.
That day, 9 years back whatever he did, whatever he said left a bad taste in his mouth.

The loud bang of the door had him look up as he traced her figure sleepwalking up the stairs, the glass window covered with curtains gave him access to her shadow. He was her bumping in the window a few times as she walked out of his sight.

Chuckling at her lack of orientation, he drove back to his apartment. It was close to the hospital and he didn't want to live back at his parents' place. Though he loved them, he liked little privacy and space from all those matchmaking relatives who visited his mother in order to set the heir of the Adami group of hospitals with one of the 'eligible' single girls.

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