Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"You should go home, Qureshi

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"You should go home, Qureshi. We'll have everything in control" Arif Maqbool requested her, He was her good friend, the best one from the day she joined the hospital, an orthopedic while she was the ER specialist.

"Sana, he's right. You should rest. You're here for more than 36 hours now. You need proper sleep than little naps. You won't function properly if you tire yourself please go home." Arefa, the head nurse touched her palm.

She snapped the file shut.

"I'm working on a case Appi. Can't go home without completing my job. I'll go back when I feel the need." She explained "And you two need to stop disturbing me if you want me to complete the study and go home. Now can you two leave me alone?"

Arefa sighed, lips pursed in disagreement but she nodded and left. Arif wanted to rebuke but seeing her glare he turned and followed suit after Arefa; not before throwing a worried glance at Sana who has been pulling long shifts for the last few weeks. She kept working until she was ready to drop. In the 8 days, she must have hardly been home, not even 4 times if not for bringing in the change of clothes and dropping her laundry.

Sana sipped her tenth cup of coffee in the last three hours as she read and understood every minor detail of the accident case. Rubbing her temples, feeling a nibbling headache. She searched for her specs she never used unless a burning headache tortured her. She wore them and started reading again, fingers noting important details on a pad.

A knock resonated making her growl in irritation.

"Come in" she sighed. Her eyes glared as soon as she saw him enter. She threw the pen wanting to hit him.

Mudassar yelped in surprise, palm shooting to catch the flying object. He was freshly dressed, all prim and proper. "Doctor Qureshi. Is this the way to welcome the hospital MD?" he chastised.

"Get lost MD." she spat. Picking another one from her pen stand she went back to her file.

"You didn't go home?" he questioned, eyes roaming her face and dress. "Or you forgot to do the laundry. I saw you in these clothes yesterday morning."

"What do you want?" she demanded.

"Tell me this is not the option you were talking about that day..."

"None of your business"

He continued "It's been 3 weeks Sana. Reconcile with your mother. You can't be holed up in here overworking yourself and using this cabin as your sulking spot...."

"None of your business" She gritted.

He ignored her again "Uncle and she would be worrying over the fact you're overworking yourself. They leave for Medina in a month. You cannot be stressing them acting like this..."

She threw her paperweight hitting his arm, snapping "None. Of. Your. Business"

"Behave Qureshi" he roared.

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