I once said that there were certain events were time stood still for me, ones where I wished for no distractions for a day. One event I neglected to mention was the LA International Auto Show. It was like a supermarket of new cars. The timing of this was great for me. I was planning to upgrade my vehicle of choice and wanted something that was truly "me". And for a change, with the success of the Triple Threat Tour we worked on, I had the luxury of having the upper hand on the dealers instead of the other way around when it came to negotiating a price.
The show was held at the vast LA Expo Center and promised to be huge. Along with the new cars were a bevy of aftermarket car parts companies. OK, I if I see something I like maybe these guys can augment it in some way. As I cruised around the floor I eagerly checked out every manufacturer there. I knew it would take me at least 3 trips around the floor before I set my sights on one or maybe 3 cars to focus on after I left. So the aftermarket guys looked interesting, at least to take the "new car glaze" off my face. As I wandered through their "supermarket", who did I spot but a busty, raven haired beauty in hot pants wearing a t-shirt advertising "California Kid Trucks".
It was Laura Croft, my Las Vegas beauty.
I was completely unprepared when I saw her. And I didn't know what to do. So I did the best thing possible.
"Uh, excuse me, do you have any catalogs?" I asked.
That has to be the dumbest pickup line ever uttered by a human being.
"No...um...I think they have them over...Jim!"
I smiled, glad that the toughest part was over with.
"Oh my god!" she squealed.
She hugged me and I could feel her bountiful tits press into my chest.
"What are you doing here?" she said excitedly.
"Checking out cars, I think I can see why you're here." I replied.
"Yeah, just a Playboy promotion...um...are you gonna be here long?" she asked.
"Uh, Probably, why?"
"I'll be done here in like a half hour, let's get a drink." She said.
"OK, I'm gonna check out the BMW's and I'll meet you back here."
"Cool, see you then." She said as she went back to the company booth to sign autographs, but not without a sexy wink as she walked away.
I smiled.
Time seemed to crawl as I wandered the floor. Finally the time came when I went back to her booth. She had changed into a Nike track suit combo outfit with a sling bag on her shoulder.
"Hey baby." She said with that casual sexiness only she had.
"Where should we go?" I asked.
"Um...I think there's a bar upstairs in the hotel, let's go there." She said
"Lead on Ms. Laura." I said as I took her arm in mine. She smiled widely and put her had on my shoulder as we walked out.
The hotel bar was bustling with car show people and football fans and we got Coronas and found a table by the huge windows overlooking Los Angeles. The sun was blazing outside.
"So what've you been doing since Vegas?" I asked.
"Lots of appearances everywhere you can think of. I think I've got carpal tunnel from signing my name so much!" she laughed as she shook her hand to get the blood circulating. "Bridget and I did a lot of car shows together. What about you?" she asked.
"Lots of photo work, we did the Beyonce' tour, that was a whirlwind." I said with a weary sigh.
"Oh! Lucky you!" she said. "How's your partner?"