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In another world, Germany was split into two-Ostania and Westalis. It was like West and East Germany, a country divided due to war. However, Westalis and Ostania are two different countries here.

Germany and Prussia, now known as Westalis and Ostania respectively, could almost sigh at the prolonged war. The peace they now have was temporary, with their governments constantly doubting-fearing an attack or a renewed declaration of war.

"Hey West," Ostania started. Westalis hummed in question.

"What do you think about the recent accident? The one with brake failure."

"...Honestly? Nothing really. I'm not in tune with the country lately." Westalis looked up, pensive. "If I were to discuss this, it would be that someone's trying to stir shit up."

Ostania laughed. "Kesesese! As expected of West! You're constantly doubting my people." He ran his fingers through his silver hair. His ruby eyes gazed at his brother, then away at the space before him. If he were West, he might do the same anyway, because that is how his government is. Not that his government is any better.

"What's your WISE going to do about it?" Ostania asked. He could guess what was going to happen. Whenever any country wants to gain the upper hand, they would send spies to the other country.

Enter: Twilight

The best spy of Westalis, and probably the most infamous one between the two countries-maybe even the whole world!

Westalis simply looked at Ostania, as if his glance could convey everything. However, one thing was for sure:

Twilight is coming.

Twilight is dangerous. His main job is to spy and report any relevant information back to the country. Only when necessary would he require his combat skills.

Twilight is dangerous because whatever information he finds determines the fate of the country. What he finds can abolish an organisation. What he finds can tarnish a well reputable name. What he finds can incite his country to start a war.

Not that he wants that, but his government is that sceptical.

Just like Westalis.

Ostania did not bother hiding that smirk on his face. He was tired of war-the endless meetings that never came to a conclusion; the endless baseless accusations and fear. The world is not made to fight each other, but to coexist.

"Bring it on."

His country can take it anyway. SSS exists for a reason.

"I hope you don't mind if my own secret police come and play."


Anya walked hand in hand with her new parents. There was a skip in her steps as she relished an adventure similar to the one they participated in last week. It was so cool watching them work. One is a spy and the other an assassin. The three of them had banded together to save the world!

Or at least, that was what she understood from Loid's incredibly complex thoughts.

Anya knew her new father was a spy from Westalis, and she and her new mother were the unsuspecting participants contributing to the possible permanent peace between Westalis and Ostania (Only Ma really).

She could hear it in her mind. As well as everyone's around her.

"Pa! Let's go to the park!"

Loid agreed. It is for the mission anyway. And the park was just around the corner.

Anya has never been to a park before. Back when she was still in that white room, they never allowed her to go out. She could not even draw, as she was a pawn for world peace, like now. She likes the current way she is being used for world peace-not a weapon, but just another person to help.

Plus, the main person of the mission will most likely do what he thinks a perfectly functional family would do.

She is excited to see what the Park looked like. Whether they were like the picture books Pa bought last week. Thankfully, the place did not disappoint.

The park is not devoid of people, but it was not packed. Children had gathered to play together while the adults would either mind their own business or watch the merrymaking of the children.

It was a heartwarming scene-she learnt that word from the Spy Wars show.

Enthusiastically, she pulled Yor's hand towards the big space she spied when she came here. Yor sputtered but followed anyway, and Loid went to find a good spot to watch over them. Oh, how she dreamed of going to a park!

As they played tag, she saw a man with glistening silver hair. He laid on his back, dressed in dark blue clothes similar to her father. What surprised her the most was the lack of thoughts he had. He was not sleeping, judging from the red eyes that were darting around from time to time. He did look like he was thinking, but she could not even hear a whisper of thoughts from him.

She found it odd. It was not a full moon, as evidenced by her ability to read some of Loid's disagreeing thoughts.

Just as she shrugged the oddity from her mind, the man looked in her father's direction. His eyes widened comically.


Anya blinked. How did the man know who Pa is at first glance? And why is she suddenly able to read his mind?

'Wow, and the notorious Thorn Princess? What are the odds?'

He knows Mama too? Who is this man?

And then, she could not hear his thoughts anymore, as if he allowed her to read him. Does he know who she is too?

If he did, Anya was grateful that he said/thought nothing.


Ostania recognised subject #007 as soon as she met his eyes. After all, she was the only one who survived that lab. He remembered back when he went to check out the underground labs of the SSS, thinking it was nothing shady, only for that naive idea to be taken away immediately when he saw the experiments.

On children.

Of all people, they chose the country's future.

Where they got their hands on these innocent beings he did not know, but he knew he set fire to that lab. Not a real fire, but the chaos that caused the death of many underground scientists and illegal research. Unfortunately, almost all of the children were beyond saving, except this girl. She was then rescued and later put in a home. He did not know what happened after, but if she was taken in by Twilight, she must have been at a very rundown orphanage that did not care about the children's plight.

Seeing these three together, Ostania could guess what West's WISE had decided to do.

Donovan Desmond and Eden. WISE had sent Twilight to investigate that hermit politician via infiltration to Eden, his country's most elite school and the organisation Donovan Desmond owns.

What a Westalian thing to do, no?

He sat up and looked at the three mismatched 'family' members. He wondered if Twilight knew who those people he had picked up were. If he does, okay. If he does not, he won't mention a word, just in case it jeopardises what they had already built.

Perhaps the borderline superhuman would learn to be human again after this mission.

What's his name for this mission? Loid Forger?

Ostania picked himself from the ground and walked over to him, casually plonking down next to the spy. He could feel the shift of attention, and he smiled at him. Maybe the boy recognises him, maybe he does not.

"Germany counts on you, my boy."

(No one calls them Germans, even when Twilight was young. But he heard of the term before, times before the Iron curtain exists)

He does not miss the way Loid's head snapped towards him with his eyes widened.

"...I'll do my best."

A/N: This is me, working with all the headcanons lying around the spyxfamily fandom as we wait for 2022 Spring to roll in. Maybe I'll post a Westalis POV in the future. 'Tis just an idea regurgitation, sorry about the grammar errors.

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