𝘪𝘪. 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘺

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"𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗜? 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗜 is that you?"

             "Hunsol," she whispers against the phone, her voice trembling like a leaf in the wind. She wonders if he can hear the frantic beating of her heart against her rib cage. "There's this...I-I found a body and he's bleeding so much and I can't feel his pulse oh god please-please get here quickly I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

              There is the ruffling of bed sheets and the rattling of car keys from the other end of the phone, and when he speaks, his voice is thick with sleep. "Christ...I need you to call the ambulance while you wait for me to get there. Where are you?"

                                                                    ✗ ✗ ✗

(31/10, 23:44) Charlie: What tf is going on? Why r u in the hospital with Levi?

  (31/10, 23:47) Hunsol: Just call me. It'll be easier to explain.

  (31/10, 23:49) Charlie: Shit. Is she okay?

           (31/10, 23:51) Hunsol: We're not here because of her...Listen, give me a call and we'll explain the situation.

    (31/10, 23:52) Charlie: So she's not dying? Such a shame 😒

           (1/11, 00.01) Charlie : Sol? You still there?

  (1/11, 00:04) Charlie: Bro I was joking fr

                                                                    ✗ ✗ ✗

Levi is sitting at a hospital waiting room, gnawing the skin off her fingertips because that's what she seems to do when she's nervous. Hunsol is propped up on a seat besides her, currently engaged in conversation with one of the hospital trainees.

              After the boy had lost all consciousness, the first thing Levi had done was take out his phone from his left pocket (which had still felt awkward, him being conscious or not) and dialled the only number she knew off by heart. Hunsol arrived in his beat up Sedan, looking hilarious in bright orange flip-flops (which probably belonged to one of his social workers) and striped pyjama bottoms. It was clear that he hadn't bothered to get dressed or brush his hair and still looked as though he was fighting off sleep. Seeing the body of the boy lying on a pool of dried blood had given him a right fright and did a brilliant job at waking him up.

The ambulance arrived shortly afterwards, and they followed the vehicle all the way to the Royal London Hospital.

               "Hate the smell of hospitals," Hunsol mutters after the trainee bids him goodbye and disappears down the endless white corridor. "It's smells like disinfectant and death." He shivers.

                Levi finds herself nodding along to him. The hospital didn't look very appealing either. It was all white walls and grim faces, yet she's grateful that she isn't stuck here at this miserable place alone.

                "Thanks, by the way," Levi says after a moment. "For driving all the way here at this hour and waiting with me, even though we both know that you'd rather be sleeping soundly in bed."

And I'd be in bed, too, if it wasn't for my stupid brother and best friend.

Hunsol glances at her from the corners of his eye. They were the warmest shade of brown she'd ever seen. He smiles, and deep dimples make an appearance on either sides of his cheeks. "You're my best mate. I'd cross the Atlantic ocean in the middle of the night if you asked me to."

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