12 Princesses

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Once upon a time, in the land of equestria, lived the great queen Celestia and her wonderful 12 daughters. All of them were beautiful and wonderful in there own way. First was 23 yr old princess Sunset Shimmer. Sunset was a beautiful unicorn with an orange coat and a yellow, orange, and red mane, she had a cutie mark that looked like the sun setting. Sunset Shimmer was very intelectual, though some of her younger sisters were even more adept at magic than she. She was also quite sporty and athletic, and had a bit of a fiery temper. Even so, she was very understanding and empathetic. Next was 22 yr old princess Rarity. She was a lovely white unicorn with and expertly combed purple mane, blue eyes, and a cutie mark of three diamonds. Rarity was quite a lady like and fashion forward princess, and enjoyed making her own fashions for the people of the castle. Though she could be very proper, Rarity had a generous heart and spirit. Next came 21 yr old princess Fluttershy, a butter cream yellow pegasus with a soft pink mane and a cutie mark of three butterflies. Fluttershy  was extremely kind to everyone around her, especially the animals of the garden and forest. She also enjoyed gardening and flowers, and was an excelent singer. Of the older girls, Fluttershy was the most motherly, and when the youngest girls were little fillies, she spent the most time with them. The next was a beautiful 20 yr old purple unicorn mare named princess Starlight Glimmer. Her cutie mark was a purple and tuquoise shooting star. Starlight was very ambitious and enjoyed learning magic very much, even more so than her older sister Sunset. Starlight could sometimes get ahead of herself when it came to bringing her family together, but was a loving pony who did her best to bring love and togetherness everywhere she went. Next was 19 yr old princess Applejack, a hard working earth pony with a strong connection with the earth and growing things. Applejack was a very down to earth mare, and family was the most important thing in her world. Applejack was also an incredible cook, and there was only one in their family that could hold a candle to her. She could be stubborn, but was also very honest and there was no getting a lie past her. Next was 18 yr old princess Rainbow Dash. She was a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and a cutie mark with a rainbow colored lightning bolt zig-zagging through a white cloud. The pony was very brash and could be a bit proud, but was exeedingly loyal and nothing would swerve that loyalty. Rainbow was very athletic and a tomboy like her older sister Applejack. She was as competitive as her sister Sunset, and there rivalry often drove there sisters insane. Next was the 17 yr old twins princesses Pinkie and Marble Pie. The 2 were as different as night and day. Pinkie had a pink coat, a poofy pink mane, and three balloons for her cutie mark. Marble's colors were more muted, with a flat mane and a rock for a cutie mark. There personalities also differed, with Pinkie's enerjetic party animal nature compaired to Marble's quite shy persona that was much closer to that of her older sister's. Next was the triplets, 16 yr old Sweetie Bell, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. They were respectively a white unicorn with a light purple mane, yellow earth pony with a red apple mane, and orange pegasus with a light purple mane. The three mischievious fillies called themselves the cutie mark crusaders, as they were always searching for their cutie marks. One being sporty, one like a right old farm filly, and one a bit more proper, each one spent a bit more time with one of their older sisters. And finally, the youngest was 15 yr old princess Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was a purple alicorn with an indigo mane that had pink and purple highlights. The filly's cutie mark was a big pink star with 6 other stars surrounding it. Twilight was very intelectual and spent most of her time in the library learning more about magic and the good of the kingdom. Though being the youngest, Twilight was the heir to the throne above her 12 sisters. The young princess was exeedingly dilligent, and was more adept at magic than all of her older sisters. They were a very happy family, but their kingdom had a problem.

Once princess Sunset turned 16, the terrible curse over the princesses came into play. The young mare was forced to to open a doorway in the room the 12 princesses shared to a secret land and dance in a golden pavilion from dusk to dawn. All the princesses were forced by the curse to come and watch, and once each girl turned 16, they would be made to join the dance. Years and years passed, and the cycle continued. This made the 12 lively princesses very sickly, though princess Twilight not as much as the others, as her 16th birthday was not for a few more months. Twilight struggled to find the answer to the princesses predicament and feared time was running out. The alicorn filly's only joy were her books and a young guard she befriended. What none of the princesses knew was their was a dastardly plot against their family, concocted by the same one who cursed them.

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