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Twilight got up off her lavender canopy bed where she had been reading and stood up, feeling a sudden dizzy spell. That was normal, because of the curse that had stricken her and her sisters, she was often unwell. The filly sighed as she looked around at her sisters, all of whom were bedridden. They were sleeping at the moment and were doing much worse than her. Her mom said she could be allowed to get up if she stayed in her bed for three hours to make sure she wouldn't fall unconcious far from her room, which had happened before. Already dressed, she snuck a glance at her oldest sister, who's mane fell pale and limp around her face, her colors dulled. The mare's vibrant coat looked dirty and disheveled, and the normally competitive unicorn had next to no energy. Twilight tried not to cry at the look of sunset, who had been more effected by the spell than any of her sisters. Twilight carefully cantered out of the room, not trusting her wings to keep her in the air. As she walked down the corridors, she heard a noise and turned to find her closest sister. "Scootaloo!" Twilight stated, "you should be still in bed right now," and then fought of a yawn, which made Scootaloo giggle. "Like you should be talking," the pegasus responded, but Twilight could see her legs were buckling. "Scoots seemed to notice it too. Don't worry, she responded, i'll go to bed soon. As the other filly headed towards their room, Twilight sighed in relief and continued out the corridors to the guard rooms, where Flash was waiting for her. The alicorn walked over to her best friend, who looked concerned, which must mean Twilight didn't look so well. 

"Are you okay?" Flash asked, his concern growing clearly on his face. Twilight nodded and began to talk with the pegasus about what was going on with their curse lately. You see, Flash sentry was the only other pony to know of the princesses prediciment. Oh they knew the girls were sick, but not why, because none of them but Twilight could tell anyone who didn't already about the curse, and Flash was the only one Twilight had trusted with the hefty secret. Twilight said her goodby's to flash and started down towards the library, passing another sister asleep, the alicorn filly shook her head. Twilight shook her sister awake, who looked up at Twilight and embarresedly. "May I come to the library with you?"Apple Bloom asked her younger sister. Twilight rubbed her hoof, Applebloom wasn't as bad off as some of her other sisters, as she had only been dancing for a few months. Twilight eventually relented, and the two fillies continued to the library. Twilight soon began singing worriedly. 

Twilight: I was prepared to do what's right

Thought I could handle any fight
For I can do so many tricks
But I wasn't prepared for this

Levitation would have been a breeze
Facts and figures I recite with ease

The square root of five hundred and forty-six 

is twenty-three point three six six six 

four two eight nine one zero nine.

The pair passed a tutor who was impressed by the quick math, saying, "She is correct."

Twilight: I could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss

But I wasn't prepared for this
Will I fail, or will I pass?
I can't be sure...

Applebloom began singing along.

Applebloom: She can't be sure...

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