PT. 1

609 10 11

Dec.1st, Monday
It was 7:00, and Jake had gotten woken up by his cousin Junior, shaking his bed.

"Get up" Junior signed. The curly haired boy got up and walked over to his closet.

He grabbed a blue and white checkered  flannel and black jeans.

Once he was done getting dressed, he went downstairs to see his aunt and uncle in the kitchen.

"Good morning Jake" Bree signed. "Good morning" he signed back.

"Junior it's time to go" Logan shouted. "Coming" Junior said.

At school
Jake was glad that he had biology for first period.

Ms.Finch was the only teacher who took the time to learn sign language, since Jake was deaf.

He was walking over to his locker when Oliver shoved him on floor.

"Hey leave him alone asshole" Junior said. "Are you ok" Junior signed.

"Yeah, I'm fine". Jake had been bullied for years for being deaf, but luckily, he had junior there to help him.

Jake went into the classroom and sat down in the front.

Then a boy walked in, he had light brown skin and short curly hair.

"Class today we have a new student"Ms.Finch said and signed.

"I'm Devon"he said. Devon sat down next to Jake.

"Hey, what's your name?" Devon asked. Jake got out a post it note.

"Sorry, I'm Deaf" Devon Read it seeing the look of disappointment on Jake's face.

"It's okay" he signed. Jake was shocked that another student had known sign language.

Jake smiled."What's your name?" "I'm Devon".

Lexy then walked over to Jake and Devon."Hey, you don't have to sit next to this freak" She said.

"I'm not being forced to" Devon said.
Jake's hands were shaking.

Devon realized this. "Lexy take a seat" Ms.Finch said.

Then Devon looked back at Jake. Devon rubbed Jake's back trying to calm him down".

"For the next 2 weeks, you will be working on a project with your partners, so choose wisely"

Ms.Finch said."Wanna be partners?" Devon signed.

"Really, I mean, of course" Jake signed excitingly.

Class was over, Devon and Jake were walking over to their lockers when they noticed post it notes all over Jakes locker.

They said all kinds of deaf jokes(Jake is reading the notes) Jake just ignored them.

Devon tapped Jake on the shoulder. "Hey, it's okay don't mind them"

He signed. "Thanks, Devon I'm honestly used to it" Jake signed.

Devon felt really bad. He hugged Jake. Jake was a bit surprised considering they just met, but he hugged him back.

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