PT. 3

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TW: Mention of Self-harm

"Thank you" Jake signed. Devon smiled. "What should we do now" Jake signed.

"We could go to the park". "Okay". Devon and Jake walked out of the

House and headed to the park. Devon looked at Jake and all his features.

He loved the way his eyes glowed when sun hit them and how soft his hair

Looked. Devon felt like his heart was beating so fast. He then was snapped

Out of his thoughts by Jake putting his hand on his shoulder. "You okay Dev"

He signed. "Yeah I'm okay". Devon
blushed at fact that Jake gave him a

Nickname. Jake then pointed over to the bench. They ran over and sat down.

Jake keep pulling his sleeves down but then Devon stopped him. He rolled his

Sleeves up. "Jake". Jakes eyes started flooding with tears. Devon hugged him.

Jake started sobbing into Devon's shoulder. Devon then wiped the tears

Off of Jakes face. "What's wrong, tell me why your hurting yourself" Devon

Signed. "The way people treat makes me feel like I'm worthless" Jake signed.

"You have me, I'll tell those assholes to back off". Jake nodded. "Thanks Dev".

"Of course, I'm always here for you" Devon layed his hand on top of Jakes.

Jake smiled. Then they heard a phone buzz. Jake picked his phone up. It was

His dad. "Dev I'm sorry I gotta go home"
Jake signed. "It's okay, do you need a

Ride". "No I actually live a few blocks down from here".

"I can walk with you, I mean if you want me to" Devon signed. "Sure"

Jake smiled. They walked to his house talking about school and making jokes

About Lexy, Oliver and some other kids from school. They reached Jakes house

And Devon walked him to the front door. Jake opened the door but before

He walked in he hugged Devon. Devon smiled and waved goodbye.


Sorry this is short, the next part will come out soon 💗

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