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I woke up from the screams from my mom having me bump my head. My mother nearly passed out and so did I. The words I heard from this news reporter was words I thought I'll never hear.

"There has been spotting of human like creatures walking around the areas of Harrisburg and Philadelphia. All people are restricted to stay indoors in till further notice."

As he went on about the weather, my mouth dropped. I couldn't believe that the thing my teacher said that was going to happen happened. My dad told me to lock all the doors and lock the window's. So I did exactly that. A few minutes later we heard terror in the. Reporters voice. And I almost vomit while watching. His face split open leaving us seeing his Brain. Then a new face with two mouths appeared on him with two eyes and no nose. Then gradually it's face turned at the camera and said in a erie voice, IM COMING AFTER YOU NEXT. My heart was beeping extremely fast as my dad got the shotgun out of his closet and shot the T.V.  I thought that was a dumb idea but I didn't want him to get any frustrated then what he already is. Then we heard something hit the door. I was terrified.

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