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You never know what true thrill is like until you experience it first hand and not through another's eyes

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You never know what true thrill is like until you experience it first hand and not through another's eyes.
To see the light in anothers eyes dim as you drain them fully of everything that makes life possible for them , there's something about it. Being a vampire its something alright. Blood is an addiction and a true need. I on the other hand trained myself to go without it but...what fun would that be hm?.

Picking a stand out , out of a crowd and loring them after you with just a smile. They make it too easy to corrupt their little minds. Their "innocent" minds. "Innocent" is a very strong word. It's rather crazily miss-used in my opinion. Not everyone is innocent no matter looks or personality. Everyone has a set of skeletons in their closet and if you don't...Yippy for you.

Blood is what I lust after , I love how it drips down my lips like honey. Thee euphoric feeling after. It's like sex after your climax...the stars you see...nothing can make it up.

It's crimson shade and it's sweet smell haunted me. And I loved it. It is my only highlight in life.

I've been a lot of places in my "short" time of living. I've seen my baby brothers be born , I've saw them bond and break apart over a woman whose only had a heart of ice that she would only thaw for herself. But I really can't say a word on that because I fell in "love" with a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Henry Reginald was a writer , a poet. His poems were soft , Angsty , And pure heart melting. I could listen to him read them every day without fail.
He was beautiful , tussled dirty blonde  hair , piercing blue eyes. His eyes I couldn't stop getting lost in them.
I can't forget how his lips felt against my own.
But I also can't forget how he betrayed me. He used me for a crimson drop that was obviously worth more than me to him!. I hate that I can't hate him. I hate that I still think about him. I hate that he exists within my universe.

I have taken more lives than I have hoped to ensure my own survival. I've gone mad , I have lost all sense of self.
A crimson drop owns my life , not I.
I was hoping that soon I might die , I have no reason to lie. Dying might be my only purpose. Because to me life isn't worth it but I can't make it short.
Maybe it's the thrill I've gained from killing maybe it's what's keeping me here. In this Truly fucked world they call a society.
I watched as the world evolved from burning innocent girls for being witches to slavery then I watched as it slowly ended and in some places salvery still exsists then sex trafficking...this is not a society or a world this is hell. Earth to me was Satan's creations but then again... it's like a punishment for all of those who have not known human decency. Who have not known respect for their neighbors.

But then again respect if earn not instantly given. Speaking of respect my father constantly demanded it like he was god. The way I see it their are many gods but only one can snatch you off the earth with one turn of events or a very bad day.

Oh I have forgotten to introduce myself , my apologies...I'm Orion Gabriel Salvatore , Thee joker , the man's whose heart turned to ice in my brother damons words. I wondered if he had ever gotten humbled...truly.

Tis the year 2002. New York had bored me heavily. I took a car from one of my snacks , a black Cadillac escalade.
I had the poor girl slumped in the trunk. She started to flirt with me so I used that to my advantage I was very famished unfortunately. I fiddled with the radio and stopped when a song started to play. The opening of it had 50's kind of feel. Oh what a time.

I've been feeling lightheaded.
Since I lost enough weight to fit back in my skin
Flower petals and feathers tether me to the ground
Take my tea of formaldehyde
For my feminine side since the day that I died
While I whittled my bones until I'm brittle
Am I pretty now?

"This isn't that bad now..." I say started to smirk a little. I take a swift turn down the road.

For some reason I find myself lost in what you think of me
Now you've got me thinkin
I wish I could be a girl, and that way you'd wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend

I started to rethink the line I just heard. "I wish I could be a girl?..." I said to myself. A man being feminine is not a problem but in this world today I don't see how one could act on self without feeling criticism from others around. I mean sometimes I feel less masculine and more feminine but it's rare for me...Plus my father once said he didn't raise a "sissy" , and I think that that word is just absolutely stupid. Who would even say that? , To a child no less or anyone?.

Am I pretty enough to lie to?
I wish I could be a girl, And that way you wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend
Just a little old me in a big, big world

I turned the music down and wallowed in my thoughts.
What is a word to describe one who does not specify within the gender umbrella?. Hm....
I stop at a bar turning into the parking lot. The same question swirling within my own mind. It was beginning to slightly frustrate me. I got out of the car poping the trunk letting the girl out as I grabbed her forearm. I wasn't even hungry anymore...what a waste.
I grabbed her face forcing her to meet eyes with me. She has rather gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. Contrasted her beautiful dark chocolate skin. "Walk away and don't stop walking till you teach town" I said as I let her go and watched her go on her way.

I walked into the bar and went straight to a stool putting A 20 down. "Something strong, very strong" I said simply. She nodded and grabbed a glass and poured something into it. I watched her fill it. "Hennessy , be careful that'll knock you on your ass" she said as I hummed and gulped it down. I tapped my chest with the side of my fist. "Tried to tell ya" she chuckled. It was just the burn I needed too. "The names Vinnie" Vinnie said as I hummed. "Orion Salvatore pleasure even though it has been a very pleasant day" I said letting out a puff of air. "What's eating ya?" Vinnie asked and I cocked my brow at her. "I just met you" I said simply. "And I don't care not just any well dressed vampire walks up in here without doing a glance n snatch" she said smirking and I smirked back. She knows about me well what I am to be very precise. "Gender to be specific" I said as she looked me up in down. "What was that look for?" I asked confused. "Because....you look like a waiter and I need more to go on vampy" Vinnie pressed. "Don't call me that" I said calmly.
"I call you what I want in my bar so are you gonna talk or sit here like a depressed kitten?" She dished and I chuckled that was quite funny. "I was listening to this...song in my car and the lines just put a thought in my head...I wish I could be a girl, And that way you wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend..." I explained as she nodded. "Ah...okay" Vinnie said as I gave a head quirk. "How does one find a term that does not bound them to a specific gender?" I asked honestly.
Vinnie hummed "well you have genderfluid , Agender , nonbinary , you have demiboy and or girl but you  said non specific so genderfluid is your way to go vampy or-" I stopped her. "genderfluid?" I questioned. "Yes genderfluid it's um when your gender is not fixed , one day you could be feeling he/him next day could be she/they or they/them or he/they or fully she/her , your gender can basically change from time to time" Vinnie explained. "I understand what you mean...tell me...more please" I said as she poured me another glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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